
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Arthropoda
Clase: Insecta
Orden: Lepidoptera
Familia: Micropterigidae
Género: Vietomartyria
Hashimoto & Mey, 2000

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Vietomartyria es un género de pequeños lepidópteros pertenecientes a la familia Micropterigidae.




  • Hashimoto, S.; Mey, W. 2000: Establishment of a new genus Vietomartyria (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae) for Paramartyria expeditionis Mey. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan, 52(1): 37-44.
  • Hirowatari, T. ; G.-H.Huang & S. Hashimoto, 2010: A remarkable new species of Vietomartyria Hashimoto & Mey (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae) from South China. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 61(3): 211-217.
  • Mey, W. 1997: Moths of Vietnam with special reference to Mt. Fan-si-pan. Microlepidoptera 1: Micropterigidae/Urmotten. (Lepidoptera, Zeugloptera). Entomofauna, supplement 9(2): 13-20.
  • Hirowatari, Toshiya, Satoshi Hashimoto, Utsugi Jinbo & Min Wang, 2009, Descriptions of two new species of Vietomartyria Hashimoto & Mey (Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae) from South China, with reference to autapomorphies of the genus, Entomological Science 12 (1): 67-73.

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