William Hardy Eshbaugh ( Vandyne, Wisconsin, 1936 - ) es un botánico estadounidense
- Werth, c.r., s.i. Guttman, w.h. Eshbaugh. 1985. Electrophoretic evidence of reticulate evolution in the Appalachian Asplenium complex. Syst. Bot. 10:184-192. 21
- d'Arcy, w.g, w.h. Eshbaugh. 1984. New world peppers (Caps/cum-Solanaceae) north of Colombia. Baileya. 19:93-105
- 1979. A biosystematic and evolutionary study of the Capsicum pubescens complex. Natl. Geogr. Soc. Res.
- Mcleod, m.j., w.h. Eshbaugh, s. Guttman. 1979. An electrophoretic study of Capsicum (Solanaceae) : The purple flowered taxa. Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club. 106: 326-333
- Jensen, r.j, w.h. Eshbaugh. 1976. Numerical taxonomíc studies of hybridization in Quercus I. Populations of restricted areal distributioh and lew taxonomic diversity. Syst. Bot. 1: 1-10
- 1970. A biosystematic and evolutionary study of Capsicum baccatum (Solanaceae). Brittonia. 22: 31 -43
- Especies