Anna Katharine Green (11. november1846 – 11. aprill1935) oli ameerika luuletaja ja novellist. Ta oli üks esimesi kriminaalromaanide autoreid Ameerikas. Tema teoste eristavateks joonteks oli hästi läbi mõeldud süžee ja juriidiliselt korrektne taust.[1] Greeni on nimetatud „kriminaalromaani emaks“.[2]
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↑A. K. Green Dies(PDF). The New York Times. 12.04.1935. Noted Author, 88. 'The Leavenworth Case' in '78 Followed by 36 Other Books. Wife of Charles Rohlfs. Wanted to Write Poetry. Wrote Detective Stories to Draw Attention to Her Verse. Changed Mystery Fiction
↑Penzler, Otto (16.11.2005). "A Deadly Month". The New York Sun. New York: Ronald Weintraub. [Green] is frequently, inaccurately, described as the mother of the detective novel by virtue of having written The Leavenworth Case, which is said to be the first mystery written by an American woman. But the honor rightfully belongs to Seeley Regester [1831-1885], with her 1866 novel The Dead Letter.