Drone on minimalistlikmuusikažanr, milles kasutatakse palju burdoone. Seda iseloomustavad pikad teosed, milles on võrdlemisi vähe harmoonilist variatsiooni. Burdoonirikast muusikat leiab nii Aasia, Austraalia kui Euroopa traditsioonist, kuid droneʾiks nimetatakse peamiselt Lääne muusikat. Droneʾi elemente on kasutatud ka rokkmuusikas, ambientʾis ja elektronmuusikas.[1]
Boon, Marcus, "The Eternal Drone" originally published as "The eternal drone: good vibrations, ancient to future" in The Wire book: Rob Young (ed.), Undercurrents: The Hidden Wiring of Modern Music, ed. Rob Young, London: Continuum Books, 2002, ISBN978-0-8264-6450-7 — History and analysis of drone music from medieval Europe to 1960s La Monte Young (who helped with the article) to 1990s Coil (band).
Cook, Nicholas & Pople, Anthony, The Cambridge History of Twentieth-century Music, Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN978-0-521-66256-7
Cox, Christoph & Warner, Daniel (eds) & al., Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music, Continuum International, 2004, ISBN978-0-8264-1615-5
Potter, Keith, Four Musical Minimalists: La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Cambridge University Press, 2002 (rev. pbk from 2000 hbk), ISBN978-0-521-01501-1
Textura, "Drones: Theatres of Eternal Music" (Archive.org copy of 2008), Textura No. 5, February 2005, textura.org. (Also printed as "On and On and On...: The drone & modern music" in Grooves No. 16, 2005) — Definition, history, further reading, records list, links.