Jane Burden (19. oktoober 1839 Oxford – 26. jaanuar 1914 Bath) oli inglise modell.
Ta oli muusaks ja modelliks mitmele XIX sajandi kunstnikule, teiste seas William Morrisele, kellega hiljem abiellus, ja Dante Gabriel Rossettile.
- Marsh, Jan (1986). Jane and May Morris: A Biographical Story 1839–1938. London: Pandora Press. ISBN 0-86358-026-2.
- Marsh, Jan (2000). Jane and May Morris: A Biographical Story 1839–1938 ((updated edition, privately published by author) ed.). London: Jan Marsh.
- Mancoff, Debra N. (2000). Jane Morris: The Pre-Raphaelite Model of Beauty. San Francisco: Pomegranate. ISBN 0-7649-1337-9.
- John Bryson: Dante Gabriel Rossetti und Jane Morris: Ihre Korrespondenz, Oxford: Clarendon Press (1976)
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