Kenneth Burke

Kenneth Burke
Sünniaeg 5. mai 1897
Pittsburgh (Ameerika Ühendriigid)
Surmaaeg 19. november 1993 (96-aastaselt)
Alma mater
Amet filosoof, produtsent

Kenneth Duva Burke (5. mai 189719. november 1993) oli Ameerika kirjandusteoreetik, esseist, semiootik, filosoof.

  • Philosophy of Literary Form (1941)
  • A Grammar of Motives (1945)
  • A Rhetoric of Motives (1950)
  • Linguistic Approaches to Problems of Education (1955)
  • The Rhetoric of Religion (1961)
  • Language as Symbolic Action (1966)
  • Here and Elsewhere (2005)
  • Essays Toward a Symbolic of Motives (2006)