Kristlik ateism on maailmavaade, mis järgib Jeesuse õpetust ning võtab tema elu eeskujuks, kuid eitab Jumala olemasolu ning võtab juttu Jumalast sümboolsena.
- Thomas J.J. Altizer. The Gospel of Christian Atheism, Westminster Press 1966.
- Robert McAfee Brown. Theology Today, 1966, kd 2, nr 2, lk 279-290.
- Austin Farrer. – The Journal of Theological Studies, 1968, 19(1), lk 422-423.
- The Christian Century. 1978, lk 626.
- Colin Lyas. On the Coherence of Christian Atheism. – Philosophy, 1970, 45(171), lk 1-19.
- Colin Hamer. Colin Lyas on the Coherence of Christian Atheism. – Philosophy, 1971, 46(175), lk 62.
- Joseph A. Magno, Victor S. LaMotte. Christian Atheism. – Christian, the Atheist & Freedom, 1973, lk 21–30.
- Joseph J. Walsh. On Christian Atheism
- E. J. Brill. – Vigiliae Christianae, 1991, 45(3), lk 255-277.
- Thomas J.J. Altizer. The New Gospel of Christian Atheism, 2002.
- Steven G. Smith. – Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2005, 73(3), lk 890-893.
- J. F. Kay. Christian atheism? – Theology Today, 2008, 65, 2, lk 139–143.