
Sailkapen zientifikoa
Generoa Caracara
Merrem, 1826
Banaketa mapa

Caracara Falconidae familiako hegazti harraparien genero bat da, Ameriketako zatirik handienean bizi dena.

Gaur egun, espezie hauek deskribatu dira: [1]

Historiaurreko zenbait espezie ere ezagutzen dira:

  • Caracara creightoni – ziurrenik C. latebrosus -ekin lotuta [2]
  • Caracara latebrosus [3]
  • Caracara tellustris [4]
  • Caracara major [5]

Gaur egun bereizten diren espezieak lehen parekidetzat hartzen ziren [6] [7] Polyborus generoaren barruan sailkatuta.


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  1. (Ingelesez) Caracara. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Noiz kontsultatua: 3 de abril de 2011).
  2. Steadman, David W.; Richard Franz; Gary S. Morgan; Nancy A. Albury; Brian Kakuk; Kenneth Broad; Shelley E. Franz; Keith Tinker et al.. (2007). «Exceptionally well preserved late Quaternary plant and vertebrate fossils from a blue hole on Abaco, The Bahamas» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (50): 19897–19902.  doi:10.1073/pnas.0709572104. OCLC .2148394 PMID 18077421..
  3. «Pleistocene Birds from New Providence Island, Bahamas» Bulletin of the State of Florida Museum (University of Florida) 4 (11): 354..
  4. Olson, Storrs L.. (2008). «A New Species of Large, Terrestrial Caracara from Holocene Deposits in Southern Jamaica (Aves: Falconidae)» Journal of Raptor Research (The Raptor Research Foundation) 42 (4): 265–272.  doi:10.3356/JRR-08-18.1..
  5. Washington Jones, Andrés Rinderknecht, Rafael Migot and R. Ernesto Blanco. (2013). «Body Mass Estimations and Paleobiological Inferences on a New Species of Large Caracara (Aves, Falconidae) from the Late Pleistocene of Uruguay» Journal of Paleontology 87 (1): 151–158.  doi:10.1666/12-026R.1..
  6. AOU Check-list of North American Birds. 7th edition w. supplements. Consultado: 2008-04-26
  7. Clements, J. F. 2007. The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World. 6th edition. Christopher Helm. ISBN 978-0-7136-8695-1

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