Dianetika (grezieratik: día, «bitartez, bidez»; nous, «adimena») zientziologiako kideek duten sinesmenetako bat da. Dianetika 1950eko hamarkadaren hasieran sortu zuen L. Ronald Hubbard zientzia fikziozko idazle eta filosofoak; geroztik, hark idatzitako hainbat libururen bidez ezagutarazi da jendartean. Zientzia komunitateak dianetika sasizientziatzat jotzen du.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
- ↑ Ikus, adibidez: (Ingelesez) Gardner, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science; Bauer, Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method and Science Or Pseudoscience: Magnetic Healing, Psychic Phenomena, and Other Heterodoxies; Corsini et al., The Dictionary of Psychology.
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Ari Ben-Menahem. (2009). «Demise of the Dogmatic Universe» Historical Encyclopedia of Natural and Mathematical Sciences. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 4301-4302 or. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68832-7. ISBN 978-3-540-68831-0..
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Lee, John A. Sectarian Healers and Hypnotherapy, 1970, Ontario
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Fischer, Harvey Jay. "Dianetic therapy: an experimental evaluation. A statistical analysis of the effect of dianetic therapy as measured by group tests of intelligence, mathematics and personality." Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, 1953, New York University (laburpena)
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Fox, J.; Davis, A.E.; Lebovits, B. "An experimental investigation of Hubbard's engram hypothesis (dianetics)". Psychological Newsletter, New York University. 10 1959, 131-134
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Davis, W. Sumner. Just Smoke and Mirrors: Religion, Fear and Superstition in Our Modern World, Writers Club Press, 2001 (ISBN 0-595-26523-5)
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Carroll, Robert T. "Dianetics", The Skeptic's Dictionary.