Hank Snow

Hank Snow

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakClarence Eugene Snow
JaiotzaLiverpool (en) Itzuli1914ko maiatzaren 9a
Herrialdea Kanada
 Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
HeriotzaTennessee1999ko abenduaren 20a (85 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaTennessee
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: bihotz-gutxiegitasuna
Jarduerakgitarra-jotzailea, musikagilea, abeslaria, kantugilea, yodeler (en) Itzuli eta musikaria
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaHank Snow and His Rainbow Ranch Boys (en) Itzuli
Izengoitia(k)Hank Snow
Genero artistikoacountrya
Musika instrumentuagitarra
DiskoetxeaRCA Records

IMDB: nm0811271 Spotify: 3fq6r0bSIm4McymHKNMk4S iTunes: 238054 Last fm: Hank+Snow Musicbrainz: c328faea-ae26-4988-85f5-e9a8dc322bb1 Songkick: 507222 Discogs: 520761 Allmusic: mn0000662800 Find a Grave: 8387 Deezer: 114716 Edit the value on Wikidata

Clarence Eugene "Hank" Snow (1914ko maiatzak 9-1999ko abenduak 20) country estatubatuar (kanadarra jaiotzez) abeslari bat izan zen.

Bere karreran zehar 70 single baino gehiago izan zituen Billboarden 1950 eta 1980 artean, horien artean lehen postura iritsi ziren "I'm Moving On", "The Golden Rocket", "I Don't Hurt Anymore", "Let me go, Lover!", "I've Been Everywhere" eta "Hello, Love", baita top teneko beste hit batzuk ere. Kanadako Country Musikaren Ospearen Aretoko eta Kanadako Musikaren Ospearen Aretoko kide da.

BillHaley/Elvis/HankSnowTicket - 1955eko urriak 16

Grand Ole Opryn sarri agertzen zela eta, 1954an zuzendariak Elvis Presley gazte bati eskenategian agertzen utz ziezaiotela konbentzitu zituen. Snowk Presley bere irekiera ekitaldean erabili zuen Colonel Tom Parker bezala sararaziz.

Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles, Ashley MacIsaac, Johnny Cash eta Emmylou Harrisek, beste batzuen artean, Snowren eragina jaso dute.

Urtea Bilduma Postua Zigilua
US Country US
1952 Country Classics RCA Victor
Hank Snow Sings
1953 Hank Snow Salutes Jimmie Rodgers
1954 Hank Snow's Country Guitar
1955 Just Keep a-Movin'
Old Doc Brown and Other Narrations by Hank Snow
1957 Country & Western Jamboree
1958 Hank Snow Sings Sacred Songs
1959 Hank Snow Sings Jimmie Rodgers Songs
1961 Hank Snow Souvenirs
Big Country Hits (Songs I Hadn't Recorded Till Now)
1963 I've Been Everywhere
Railroad Man 7
1964 More Hank Snow Souvenirs 1
Songs of Tragedy 11
Reminiscing (w/ Chet Atkins)
1965 Your Favorite Country Hits
Gloryland March
Four/Square Album
Heartbreak Trail: A Tribute to the Sons of the Pioneers 26
The Best of Hank Snow
1966 The Guitar Stylings of Hank Snow 26
Gospel Train
Country Special Highlighter Album
This Is My Story 21
1967 Snow in Hawaii
Christmas with Hank Snow 72
Spanish Fire Ball and Other Hank Snow Stylings 35
1968 Hits, Hits and More Hits
Tales of the Yukon 35
1969 Snow in All Seasons 43
Hits Covered by Snow 35
C.B. Atkins & C.E. Snow by Special Request (w/ Chet Atkins)
1970 Hank Snow Sings in Memory of Jimmie Rodgers 45
Cure for the Blues
1971 Tracks & Trains 45
Award Winners
1972 The Jimmie Rodgers Story
The Best 2
1973 Grand Ole Opry Favorites
1974 Now Is the Hour
Hello Love 4
That's You and Me 35
1975 You're Easy to Love 48
1976 Live from Evangel Temple (w/ Jimmy Snow)
1977 #104 - Still Movin' On 47
1979 The Mysterious Lady
Lovingly Yours (w/ Kelly Foxton)
Instrumentally Yours
1981 Win Some Lose Some Lonesome (w/ Kelly Foxton)
1985 Brand On My Heart (w/ Willie Nelson) Columbia
Urtea Izenburua Postua
US Country US Kanada Country
1949 "Marriage Vow" 10
1950 "I'm Moving On" 1
"The Golden Rocket" 1
1951 "The Rhumba Boogie" 1
"Bluebird Island" (w/ Anita Carter) 4
"Down the Trail of Achin' Hearts" (w/ Anita Carter) 2
"Unwanted Sign Upon Your Heart" 6
"Music Makin' Mama from Memphis" 4
1952 "The Gold Rush Is Over" 2
"Lady's Man" 2
"Married by the Bible, Divorced by the Law" 8
"I Went to Your Wedding" 3
"The Gal Who Inventing Kissin'" 4
"(Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as I" 3
1953 "Honeymoon on a Rocket Ship" 9
"Spanish Fire Ball" 3
"For Now and Always" 10
"When Mexican Joe Met Jole Brown" 6
1954 "I Don't Hurt Anymore" 1
"That Crazy Mambo Thing" 10
"Let Me Go, Lover!" 1
1955 "The Next Voice You Hear" 15
"Silver Bell" (w/ Chet Atkins) 15
"Yellow Roses" 3
"Would You Mind?" 3
"Cryin', Prayin', Waitin', Hopin'" 7
"I'm Glad I Got to See You Once Again" 7
"Mainliner (The Hawk with Silver Wings)" 5
"Born to Be Happy" 5
1956 "These Hands" 5
"I'm Moving In" 11
"Conscience I'm Guilty" 4
"Hula Rock" 5
"Stolen Moments" 7
1957 "Tangled Mind" 4
"My Arms Are a House" 8
1958 "Whispering Rain" 15
"Big Wheels" 7
"A Woman Captured Me" 16
1959 "Doggone That Train" 19
"Chasin' a Rainbow" 6
"The Last Ride" 3
1960 "Rockin', Rollin' Ocean" 22 87
"Miller's Cave" 9 101
1961 "Beggar to a King" 5
"The Restless One" 11
1962 "You Take the Future (And I'll Take the Past)" 15
"I've Been Everywhere" 1 68
1963 "The Man Who Robbed the Bank at Santa Fe" 9
"Ninety Miles an Hour (Down a Dead End Street)" 2 124
1964 "Breakfast with the Blues" 11
"I Stepped Over the Line" 21
1965 "The Wishing Well (Down in the Well)" 7
"The Queen of Draw Poker Town" 28
1966 "I've Cried a Mile" 18
"The Count Down" 22
"Hula Love" 21
1967 "Down at the Pawn Shop" 18
"Learnin' a New Way of Life" 20
1968 "I Just Wanted to Know (How the Wind Was Blowing)" 70
"Who Will Answer? (Aleluya No. 1)" 69
"The Late and Great Love of My Heart" 20 5
1969 "The Name of the Game Was Love" 16 1
"That's When the Hurtin' Sets In" 53
1970 "Come the Morning" 57 33
"Vanishing Breed" 52
1971 "(The Seashores) Of Old Mexico" 6
1972 "Governor's Hand" 34
1973 "North to Chicago" 71 20
1974 "Hello Love" 1 1
"That's You and Me" 36 5
"Easy to Love" 26
1975 "Merry-Go-Round of Love" 47 36
"Hijack" 79
"Colorado Country Morning" 95
1976 "Who's Been Here Since I've Been Gone" 87
"You're Wondering Why" 98
1977 "Trouble in Mind" 81
"I'm Still Movin' On" 80
"Breakfast with the Blues" 96
1978 "Nevertheless" 93
"Ramblin' Rose" 93
1979 "The Mysterious Lady from St. Martinique" 80 26
"A Good Gal Is Hard to Find" 91
"It Takes Too Long" 98
1980 "Hasn't It Been Good Together" (w/ Kelly Foxton) 78 39

Single gonbidatuak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
Urtea Singlea Artista US Country
1967 "Chet's Tune" Some of Chet's Friends 38