I'll Tell Me Ma

I'll Tell Me Ma
Van Morrisonen musika-lana
Egilea(k)Van Morrison
Genero artistikoaherri-musika
DiskoetxeaMercury Records
Honen parte daIrish Heartbeat
Van Morrisonen kronologia
Queen of the Slipstream (en) Itzuli I'll Tell Me Ma
"I'll Tell Me Ma", Celtic Aire, United States Air Force Band, 2014

"I'll Tell Me Ma" (euskaraz Nere Amari Esango Diot, batzuetan "The Wind" edo "Haizea" ere deitzen zaio) umeentzako abesti ospetsua da. XIX. mendean Ingalaterrako zenbait eskualdetan abestu ohi zen eta XX. mendean berriz ere zenbait musika bildumetann agertu zen. Irlandan bisaren zatiak Belfast hiria agertzen da, halere beste hiri batzuk ere aipatzen dira, adibidez Dublin.

Hainbat eta hainbat musika talde eta abeslariek abestu izan ohi dute abesti hau, The Dublinersetik hasi eta Van Morrison arte.

Irlandar bertsioa

I'll tell me ma when I go home
The boys won't leave the girls alone
They pull my hair, they steal my comb
But that's all right till I get home

(chorus):She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is courting one, two, three
Please, won't you tell me, who is she?

Albert Mooney says he loves her
All the boys are fighting for her
Knock at the door and ring the bell
Saying, oh my true love, are you well?
Out she comes, white as snow
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
Old Jenny Murphy says she'll die
If she doesn't get the fellow with the roving eye


Let the wind and the rain and the hail go high
Snow come tumbling from the sky
She's as nice as apple pie
She'll get a fellow by and by
When she gets a lad of her own
She won't tell her ma when she gets home
Let them all come as they will
It's Albert Mooney she loves still


Gloucestershire Version
(Collected from Miss Matthews, Forest of Dean, 19th century)

The wind, the wind, the wind blows high,
The rain comes pouring from the sky;
Miss So-and-So says she'd die
For the sake of the old man's eye.
She is handsome, she is pretty,
She is the lass of the golden city;
She goes courting one, two, three,
Please to tell me who they be.
A. B. says he loves her,
All the boys are fighting for her,
Let the boys say what they will
A. B. has got her still.

Kanpo estekak

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