Kevin O'Neill (Londres, 1953ko abuztuaren 22a - ibidem, 2022ko azaroaren 3a) ingeles marrazkilari eta komikigilea izan zen.
Alan Moorerekin kolaboratu zuen The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen komikia sortzen. Bere beste lan aipagarri batzuk Nemesis the Warlock eta Marshall Law (Pat Millsekin) dira.
2022ko urriaren 31tik azaroaren 6ra arteko astean hil zen.
- Tharg's Future Shocks:
- "Wings" (script and art, in 2000 AD No. 28, 1977)
- "Play Pool!" ([[Kelvin Gosnell]ekin], in 2000 AD No. 36, 1977)
- Bonjo from Beyond the Stars (script and art, in 2000 AD #41–49, 1977)
- M.A.C.H.0: "Cyborg Express" (Henry Millerrekin, in 2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1978)
- Ro-Busters (with Pat Mills, collected in The Complete Ro-Busters, 336 pages, Rebellion, November 2008, ISBN 1-905437-82-X):
- "Hammerstein's War Memoirs" (in 2000 AD No. 88, 90, 1978)
- "Fall & Rise of Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein" (in 2000 AD #103–115, 1979)
- ABC Warriors (with Pat Mills, collected in The Meknificent Seven, 136 pages, Rebellion, 2009, ISBN 978-1-906735-08-1):
- "ABC Warriors" (in 2000 AD No. 119, 1979)
- "The Order of Knights Martial" (in 2000 AD #123–124, 1979)
- Captain Klep (in occasional issues of 2000 AD between #127–155, 1979–1980)
- Ro-Jaws' Robo-Tales: "The Inside Story" (with Pat Mills, in 2000 AD No. 144, 1979)
- Walter's Robo-Tales: "Shok!" (co-author and artist, with writer Steve MacManus, in Judge Dredd Annual 1981
- Dash Decent (with Dave Angus, in 2000 AD #178–198, 1980–1981)
- Nemesis the Warlock (by Pat Mills):
- Volume 1 (2007, ISBN 1-905437-11-0) collects:
- "Terror Tube" (in 2000 AD #167, 1980)
- "Killer Watt" (in 2000 AD #178–179, 1980)
- "The Sword Sinister" (in 1981 Sci-Fi Special)
- "The World of Termight (Book 1)" (in 2000 AD #222–244, 1981)
- "The Secret Life of the Blitzspear" (in 2000 AD Annual 1983, 1982)
- "The World of Nemesis (Book 3)" (in 2000 AD #335–349, 1983)
- "The Gothic Empire (Book 4)" (first two episodes only, in 2000 AD #387–388, 1984)
- Volume 2 (August 2007, ISBN 1-905437-36-6) collects:
- "A Day in the Death of Torquemada" (in 2000 AD Annual 1984, 1983)
- "The Secret Life of the Blitzspear" (in 2000 AD Annual 1984, 1983)
- "Ego Trip" (in 2000 AD #430, 1985)
- "The Torture Tube" (in Dice Man No. 1, 1986)
- "Torquemada the God" (in 2000 AD #520–524, 1987)
- Torquemada: "Torquemada's Second Honeymoon" (with Pat Mills, in 2000 AD Annual 1988, 1987)
- Volume 3 (December 2007, ISBN 1-905437-36-6) collects:
- "Book X: The Final Conflict" (in 2000 AD Prog 2000, 1999)
- "The Tomb of Torquemada" (in Poster Prog Nemesis #1, 1994)
- DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore (with Alan Moore, trade paperback, 2003, Titan, ISBN 1-84576-257-6, DC, ISBN 1-4012-0927-0) collects:
- Metalzoic (with Pat Mills, DC Graphic Novel, 1986, ISBN 0-930289-10-2)
- Judge Dredd (with John Wagner/Alan Grant):
- "The Law According to Dredd" (in 2000 AD #474–475, 1986)
- "Varks" (in 2000 AD No. 503, 1986)
- "What If Judges Did Ads?" (in 2000 AD No. 521, 1987)
- Marshal Law (with Pat Mills):
- Fear and Loathing (collects Marshal Law #1-6, Epic Comics, 1990, ISBN 0-87135-676-7)
- Blood Sweat and Tears (collects Kingdom of the Blind, Hateful Dead, and Super Babylon, Dark Horse, 1993, ISBN 1-878574-95-7).
- Fear and Loathing (collects Marshal Law #1-6 Titan, 2002, ISBN 1-84023-452-0)
- Blood, Sweat and Fears (collects Kingdom of the Blind, Hateful Dead, and Super Babylon, Titan Books, 2003, ISBN 1-84023-526-8)
- Fear Asylum (collects Takes Manhattan, Secret Tribunal, and vs The Mask, Titan Books, 2003, ISBN 1-84023-699-X)
- The Day of the Dead (an illustrated novella, Titan Books, 2004, ISBN 1-84023-636-1)
- Cloak of Evil (an illustrated novella, Titan Books, 2006, ISBN 1-84023-683-3)
- "The Abyss Also Grasps" (with writer Aldyth Beltane, in Negative Burn No. 31, Caliber Comics, January 1996, collected in Negative Burn: The Best from 1993–1998, Desperado Publishing, January 2005, ISBN 1-58240-452-6)
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (with Alan Moore):
- Volume I (6-issue limited series, DC Comics/Wildstorm/ABC, 1999–2000, collected hardback edition, 2001, ISBN 1-56389-665-6, paperback, 2002, ISBN 1-56389-858-6)
- Volume II (DC Comics/Wildstorm/ABC, 6-issue limited series, 2002–2003, collected hardback edition, 2003, ISBN 1-4012-0117-2, paperback, 2004, ISBN 1-4012-0118-0)
- Black Dossier (DC Comics/Wildstorm/ABC, graphic novel, hardback, November 2007, ISBN 1-4012-0306-X)
- Volume III: Century (3-issue graphic novel mini-series, ongoing):
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Nemo Trilogy
- Volume IV: The Tempest