Musika-ikurrak (Musical Symbols) Unicode blokeetako bat da, eta musika-notazio modernoa irudikatzeko karaktereak ditu. Letra-tipo hauekin erabil daitezke: Bravura, Euterpe, FreeSerif, Musica eta Symbola dira. Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL) maketazioak, MusicXML formatuaren babesa duena, Musical Symbols Unicode Blokean dauden 220 glifoak hedatzen ditu, Oinarrizko Plano Eleanitzaren Erabilera Pribatuko Eremua erabiliz (Private Use Area in the Basic Multilingual Plane), eta 2600 glifo inguru onartzen ditu.[1]
Hauek dira Bloke horretan sartzen diren ikurrak:[2]
Musical Symbols Unicode blokea[1][2]Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+1D10x | 𝄀 | 𝄁 | 𝄂 | 𝄃 | 𝄄 | 𝄅 | 𝄆 | 𝄇 | 𝄈 | 𝄉 | 𝄊 | 𝄋 | 𝄌 | 𝄍 | 𝄎 | 𝄏 |
U+1D11x | 𝄐 | 𝄑 | 𝄒 | 𝄓 | 𝄔 | 𝄕 | 𝄖 | 𝄗 | 𝄘 | 𝄙 | 𝄚 | 𝄛 | 𝄜 | 𝄝 | 𝄞 | 𝄟 |
U+1D12x | 𝄠 | 𝄡 | 𝄢 | 𝄣 | 𝄤 | 𝄥 | 𝄦 | 𝄩 | 𝄪 | 𝄫 | 𝄬 | 𝄭 | 𝄮 | 𝄯 | ||
U+1D13x | 𝄰 | 𝄱 | 𝄲 | 𝄳 | 𝄴 | 𝄵 | 𝄶 | 𝄷 | 𝄸 | 𝄹 | 𝄺 | 𝄻 | 𝄼 | 𝄽 | 𝄾 | 𝄿 |
U+1D14x | 𝅀 | 𝅁 | 𝅂 | 𝅃 | 𝅄 | 𝅅 | 𝅆 | 𝅇 | 𝅈 | 𝅉 | 𝅊 | 𝅋 | 𝅌 | 𝅍 | 𝅎 | 𝅏 |
U+1D15x | 𝅐 | 𝅑 | 𝅒 | 𝅓 | 𝅔 | 𝅕 | 𝅖 | 𝅗 | 𝅘 | NULL NOTE HEAD |
𝅚 | 𝅛 | 𝅜 | 𝅝 | 𝅗𝅥 | 𝅘𝅥 |
U+1D16x | 𝅘𝅥𝅮 | 𝅘𝅥𝅯 | 𝅘𝅥𝅰 | 𝅘𝅥𝅱 | 𝅘𝅥𝅲 | 𝅥 | 𝅦 | 𝅧 | 𝅨 | 𝅩 | 𝅪 | 𝅫 | 𝅬 | 𝅭 | 𝅮 | 𝅯 |
U+1D17x | 𝅰 | 𝅱 | 𝅲 | BEGIN BEAM |
𝅻 | 𝅼 | 𝅽 | 𝅾 | 𝅿 |
U+1D18x | 𝆀 | 𝆁 | 𝆂 | 𝆃 | 𝆄 | 𝆅 | 𝆆 | 𝆇 | 𝆈 | 𝆉 | 𝆊 | 𝆋 | 𝆌 | 𝆍 | 𝆎 | 𝆏 |
U+1D19x | 𝆐 | 𝆑 | 𝆒 | 𝆓 | 𝆔 | 𝆕 | 𝆖 | 𝆗 | 𝆘 | 𝆙 | 𝆚 | 𝆛 | 𝆜 | 𝆝 | 𝆞 | 𝆟 |
U+1D1Ax | 𝆠 | 𝆡 | 𝆢 | 𝆣 | 𝆤 | 𝆥 | 𝆦 | 𝆧 | 𝆨 | 𝆩 | 𝆪 | 𝆫 | 𝆬 | 𝆭 | 𝆮 | 𝆯 |
U+1D1Bx | 𝆰 | 𝆱 | 𝆲 | 𝆳 | 𝆴 | 𝆵 | 𝆶 | 𝆷 | 𝆸 | 𝆹 | 𝆺 | 𝆹𝅥 | 𝆺𝅥 | 𝆹𝅥𝅮 | 𝆺𝅥𝅮 | 𝆹𝅥𝅯 |
U+1D1Cx | 𝆺𝅥𝅯 | 𝇁 | 𝇂 | 𝇃 | 𝇄 | 𝇅 | 𝇆 | 𝇇 | 𝇈 | 𝇉 | 𝇊 | 𝇋 | 𝇌 | 𝇍 | 𝇎 | 𝇏 |
U+1D1Dx | 𝇐 | 𝇑 | 𝇒 | 𝇓 | 𝇔 | 𝇕 | 𝇖 | 𝇗 | 𝇘 | 𝇙 | 𝇚 | 𝇛 | 𝇜 | 𝇝 | 𝇞 | 𝇟 |
U+1D1Ex | 𝇠 | 𝇡 | 𝇢 | 𝇣 | 𝇤 | 𝇥 | 𝇦 | 𝇧 | 𝇨 | 𝇩 | 𝇪 | |||||
U+1D1Fx | ||||||||||||||||
Unicoderekin zerikusia duten dokumentu hauek karaktere bereziak musika-ikurren multzoandefinitzeko asmoa eta prozesua jasotzen dituzte:
Bertsioa | Kondea | L2 ID | DO 2 | Dokumentua | |
3,1 | U+1D100..1D126, 1D12A..1D1DD | 219 | L2/97-129 | Roland, Perry. (1996-12-03). Proposal for encoding Western music symbols in ISO/IEC 10646. . | |
L2/97-264 | Aliprand, Joan. (1997-11-25). Comments on Proposal for Encoding Western Music Symbols. . | ||||
N1693 | Roland, Perry. (1998-02-19). Proposal for encoding Western Music symbols. . | ||||
L2/98-045 | Roland, Perry. (1998-02-23). Proposal for Encoding Western Music Symbols in ISO/IEC 10646. . | ||||
L2/98-039 | Aliprand, Joan; Winkler, Arnold. (1998-02-24). Preliminary Minutes - UTC #74 & L2 #171, Mountain View, CA - December 5, 1997. . | ||||
L2/98-070 | Aliprand, Joan; Winkler, Arnold. Minutes of the joint UTC and L2 meeting from the meeting in Cupertino, February 25-27, 1998. . | ||||
L2/98-286 | N1703 | Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike. (1998-07-02). Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting #34, Redmond, WA, USA; 1998-03-16--20. . | |||
L2/99-392 | Hodgson, Andrew. (1999-12-24). Comments on the Proposal for Encoding Western Music Symbols in ISO/IEC 10646. . | ||||
L2/00-179 | Everson, Michael. (2000-06-08). Draft Irish comments to FCD 10646-2:2000 (Musical symbols chart). . | ||||
N2280 | Suignard, Michel. (2000-09-22). Disposition of comments on SC2 N 3442 (ISO/IEC FCD 10646-2). . | ||||
L2/04-258 | Cline, Ernest. (2004-04-17). Musical symbol errors. . | ||||
L2/04-316 | Moore, Lisa. (2004-08-19). UTC #100 Minutes. . | ||||
5,1 | U+1D129 | 1. | L2/05-258 | N2983 | Andries, Patrick. (2005-09-07). Defect report and proposal to add one musical multiple rest character. . |
L2/05-270 | Whistler, Ken. (2005-09-21). WG2 Consent Docket (Sophia Antipolis). . | ||||
L2/05-279 | Moore, Lisa. (2005-11-10). UTC #105 Minutes. . | ||||
N2953 (pdf, doc) | Umamaheswaran, V. S.. (2006-02-16). Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2005-09-12/15. . | ||||
8,0 | U+1D1DE..1D1E8 | 11:00 | L2/11-376 | Andreev, Aleksandr; Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita. (2011-09-29). Proposal to Encode Medieval East-Slavic Musical Notation in Unicode. . | |
L2/12-022 | N4206 | Andreev, Aleksandr; Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita. (2011-09-29). Proposal to Encode Medieval East-Slavic Musical Notation. . | |||
L2/12-122 | Andreev, Aleksandr; Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita. (2012-04-23). Proposal to Encode Medieval East-Slavic Musical Notation in Unicode. . | ||||
L2/12-327 | N4362 | Andreev, Aleksandr; Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita. (2012-10-04). Proposal to Encode Medieval East-Slavic Musical Notation. . | |||
L2/12-343R2 | Moore, Lisa. (2012-12-04). UTC #133 Minutes. . | ||||
N4353 (pdf, doc) | Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 60. 2013-05-23. | ||||
14,0 | U+1D1E9..1D1EA | 2. | L2/20-159 | Pournader, Roozbeh. (2020-04-23). Proposal to encode two accidentals for Iranian classical music. . | |
L2/20-169 | Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Constable, Peter; Liang, Hai. (2020-07-21). Recommendations to UTC #164 July 2020 on Script Proposals. . | ||||
L2/20-172 | Moore, Lisa. (2020-08-03). UTC #164 Minutes. . | ||||
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