The Wind That Shakes the Barley |
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (euskaraz Garagarra Astintzen Duen Haizea) Irlandako abesti bat da. Berez, jaiotzez Limerick hirikoa zen Robert Dwyer Joyce (1836–1883) ingeles literatura irakasleak 1861ean konposatutako olerki eta balada bat da. Nahiko aire melankolikoa duen abestia da.
2006an Ken Loachek zuzendutako izenburu berdineko filmak abesti honen izenburutik izena jaso zuen, abesti hau bera ere filmaren eszena batean entzuten da.
- I sat within a valley green,
- I sat there with my true love,
- My sad heart strove the two between,
- The old love and the new love, -
- The old for her, the new that made
- Me think of Ireland dearly,
- While soft the wind blew down the glade
- And shook the golden barley.
- Twas hard the woeful words to frame
- To break the ties that bound us
- Twas harder still to bear the shame
- Of foreign chains around us
- And so I said, "The mountain glen
- I'll seek next morning early
- And join the brave United Men!"
- While soft winds shook the barley.
- While sad I kissed away her tears,
- My fond arms 'round her flinging,
- The foeman's shot burst on our ears,
- From out the wildwood ringing, -
- A bullet pierced my true love's side,
- In life's young spring so early,
- And on my breast in blood she died
- While soft winds shook the barley!
- I bore her to the wildwood screen,
- And many a summer blossom
- I placed with branches thick and green
- Above her gore-stain'd bosom:-
- I wept and kissed her pale, pale cheek,
- Then rushed o'er vale and far lea,
- My vengeance on the foe to wreak,
- While soft winds shook the barley!
- But blood for blood without remorse,
- I've ta'en at Oulart Hollow
- And placed my true love's clay-cold corpse
- Where I full soon will follow;
- And round her grave I wander drear,
- Noon, night and morning early,
- With breaking heart whene'er I hear
- The wind that shakes the barley!