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هرزهنکوهی[۱] یا اسلات-شیمینگ (انگلیسی: Slut-shaming) عمل عیبجویی و انتقاد از افراد بهخصوص از زنان و دخترانی است که تصور میشود انتظارات از رفتار و ظاهر در مورد مسائل مربوط به تمایلات جنسی را نقض میکنند.[۲][۳][۴] این اصطلاح برای اصلاح واژهٔ هرزه و صلاحیتدادن به زنان و دختران برای داشتن اختیار بر تمایلات جنسی خود استفاده میشود.[۴] این اصطلاح ممکن است در مورد مردان همجنسگرا نیز استفاده شود، چرا که ممکن است به دلیل رفتارهای جنسی ناپسند با بیبندوباری در نظر گرفته شوند.[۲][۵] اسلات-شیمینگ به ندرت برای مردان دگرجنسگرا اتفاق میافتد.[۲]
نمونههایی از اسلات-شیمینگ شامل انتقاد یا تنبیه شدن برای موارد زیر است: نقض دستورالعمل پوشش به روشهای از لحاظ جنسی تحریکآمیز؛ درخواست دسترسی به پیشگیری از بارداری؛[۶][۷][۸] داشتن سکس پیش از ازدواج، تفننی یا بیبندوباری.[۹][۱۰] این اصطلاح همچنین میتواند شامل سرزنش قربانی تجاوز یا تعرض جنسی باشد.[۱۱][۱۲]
As we explored in chapter 2, 'slut-shaming' is an umbrella term for all kinds of language and behaviors that are intended to make women and girls feel bad about being sexual.
The phrase [slut-shaming] became popularized alongside the SlutWalk marches and functions similarly to the 'War on Women,' producing affective connections while additionally working to reclaim the word 'slut' as a source of power and agency for girls and women.
In Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk About Sexuality (Harvard University Press, 2002), Deborah L. Tolman complained that we've 'desexualized girls' sexuality, substituting the desire for relationship and emotional connection for sexual feelings in their bodies.' Recognizing that fact, theorists have used the concept of desire as a way to undo the double standard that applauds a guy for his lust, calling him a player, and shames a girl for hers, calling her a slut.
Certainly the individualizing admonishment to 'think again' offers no sense of the broader legal and political environment in which sexting might occur, or any critique of a culture that requires young women to preserve their 'reputations' by avoiding overt demonstrations of sexual knowingness and desire. Further, by trading on the propensity of teenagers to feel embarrassment about their bodies and commingling it with the anxiety of mobiles being ever present, the ad becomes a potent mix of technology fear and body shame.
It is also possible that the Limbaugh incident has turned "slut-shaming", or other similar attacks on women, into a "Devil-term". It may be possible that Limbaugh's insults were so thoroughly condemned that he and others (such as Bill Maher) will have a more difficult time insulting women who are not virgins, or attacking them in other sexist ways.
It encouraged women to be angry about whore stigma and slut shaming for pursuing sexual pleasure or trading sex for money
Slut-shaming implies that victims of sex violence "asked for it" because they were sexually promiscuous or dressed provocatively.