Abiola Abrams woni mawɗo Amerik, mawɗo podcast, mawɗo haala ɓawto e jannginoowo nguurndam ruuhu. Abrams winndi defte tati, hawti e Goddess lisde afrik Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy, defte maako arande diga hay house publisher, wurtunde e lewru 20 lewru Yuli 2021. Deftere maako ɗiɗmere, The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love, heɓii sariyaaku Afrik Amerik ngal wonande ko ɓuri nafugo hoore mum. Black Enterprise hawti e podcast maako nder "20 Gotta-Wollow to Black Women Podcasts for 2019" e nder 2020, podcast maako suɓi e Success.com bana go'oto nder "16 Podcasts Motivational by Black Hosts You Need to Listen To". Essence Magazine hawti e Goddess Retreat Abrams nder nder nder "Black Girl-Approved and Operated Wellness Escapes".