
Template:HieroAkhraten (ko maa Akhratan) woni Kush" id="mwLw" rel="mw:WikiLink" title="List of monarchs of Kush">Laamiiɗo Kush (ko 350 BCE - 335 BCE).

ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1. millennium BCE Taƴto
FatherHarsiotef Taƴto
Position heldKing of Kush Taƴto
Time periodCushitic peoples Taƴto

Akhraten ƴetti ko famɗi fof won e tiitooɗe tuugiiɗe e ɗe firawna en Misra kuutortonoo.[1]

Innde Horus: Kanakht Tjema Neditef ("Nagge dooleeje ɗe junngo mum ina jogii doole, Reenoowo Baaba mum")

Prenomen: Neferibre ("Re ko mo ɓernde mum weli") .

Innde: Akraten

Akhratan waawaa wonde ɓiɗɗo Harsiotef e on woni on on on Nastasen.[1]

Akhratan anndiraa diga cartouche nder kapel e diga sariwol granite ɓaleejo heɓii nder Barkal Temple 500, jooni ɗon ha Boston (23.735).[1] Laamu ndu ndu walaa hoore e ndu walaa koyɗe.

Akhraten waawaa wonde laamiiɗo Kush e Nastasen, ammaa woɓɓe jannginooɓe holli ko laamiiɗo biyeteeɗo Amanibakhi waawaa laamii hakkunde Akraten e Nastasen.[2]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Dows Dunham and M. F. Laming Macadam, Names and Relationships of the Royal Family of Napata, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 35 (Dec., 1949), pp. 139–149
  2. László Török, The kingdom of Kush: handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization