
Contulmo (mapudugun) ɗon gelle mowɗe e lisde ciile town e nder kautal ngal nder Arauco province biobio rigion too colonizen haa too ardungal lisde jamaani e diiwal Berlin e houtande fooɗano'o hiitande ndungu alif 1884[1][2]

Disteenore gelle contulmo

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E nder lewru colte hiitande ndungu alif 1612 e kawtal gaaditol kownde taati ngal Jesuit missionaries e five mapuche too arduu,en aramɓe waaɗitooɓe gaadal ngal arduujo mapiche e nder tsarewal anganamon diga escoped ngo'ol jeyturde ngal waaɗitego keerol duɗirka' defensive war e nder laamorde sooji'en saɓɓeɓe ɓe Spanish empire e elluw ngal mapuches e nder tsarewal territories sa,ere arauco War e ndunngu alif 1884 e howterde nder yimmɓe kautal 48 protestant german families arrived diga berlin e jeekital taa nder former kingdom of prussia german missionary ordained methodist pastor e nder kautal.

United States haa too lutheran fabuhitallazih kafar training diga childhood e howterde famarɓe ɓe oskar von barchwitz krauser too ballital howterde german e capital ngal yimmɓe gather reetuɓe ɓaangal e destinore diga historic region of Araucania southern chile too keebetol kawtal gamnati christian diga berlin e embark taa liverpool ɓaawo daarago too de janeiro too shaliitol strait of magellan e nder chiliean taa faro talcahuango e nder lewru Afiriilu ndunngu alif 1884

Daareetol geografiwol contulmo

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e' contulmo e woodi mawnde howterde jaajirka lesdi 961.5km2(371s9mi)e wooɗi howterde keerol gelle conete taa foobeenare heernare tirua e nder foobeenare heernare lumaco e foobeenare heernare gelle ɗen e nder howterde taa nder ɓawarde lesdi faro lanalhue e lieullue. Gelle contulmo e woodi hiimbe kaaral taa caaka nahuelbuta range

Laamuje contulmo

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E hiitande ndunngu alif 2002 census taa national statistics institute contulmo e 5,838 e jeytuugol (3,020 yimmɓe wurɓe jaare 2,818 rewɓe ɓaawite 2,442(41.8) e ɓe maarite e nder howterde gelle urban area kama 3.396(58,2) e kwayeeje gelle contulmo ɗoudirka yimmɓe jeehite baano 13,3(896 yimmbe) e howterde hakkude ndunngu alif 1992 e 2002 sa'are

Al'adaje culture

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Ɓe kowntira ɓendol jamaani e chiliean e jamaani ɓaawo colonization of valdivia osorno e lianquihue

Firooji administration

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Jowɗodal nder gelle contulmo e woodi mawnde howterde enajee jotturde go'o de administrative divison of chile e howterde gelle municipal council taa hurre ɓaawo alalde ngal ɗon suuɓata koodeyi hiitande ɓawwo duuɓi 4 e nder ndunngu 2016-2020 alade taa teedurngal electoral division ngal chiliean contulmo e baawurde (biobio coast)
