

[1] Dholuo dialect (ɗemngal [d̪ólúô][2]) walla Nilotic Kavirondo, ko ɗemngal Luo nder Ɗemɗe nilotɗe, ko Yimɓe Luo miliyoŋ 4.2 e nder Kenya e Tanzania, ɓe njogii yoga e ɓesngu fuunaaŋge nguurndam nguurndamaaku nguurndema Victoria e leyɗeele to woyla. Ɗum huutoroo ngam haɓɓugo nder Ramogi TV e KBC (Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, ko haɓɓooɓe Voice of Kenya).

Dholuo ɗon mari nanki bee Alur, Acholi, Adhola e Lango nder Uganda. Dholuu e ɗemɗe Uganda ɗe mbi'eteeɗe dow fuu e ɗemngal ngal e dholuo nder Sudaan worgo e Anuak nder Etiophiya ngam ɓaawo ɓesngu fulɓe ɓurɓe wolde Luo.

Ɗum haani Dholuo ina woodi 90% nanndal leksikal e Leb Alur (Alur), 83% e Leb Achol (Acholi), 81% e Leb Lango e 93% e Dhopadhola (Adhola). Ammaa, ɗeen ɗemɗe ɗon kaɓɓa bana ɗemɗe feere-feere, koo nde ɗemɗe fuɗnaande e ɗemɗe ɗe ɗemɗe ɗemɗe nganndi ɗe geɗe geɗe.

Limti (Looɓe daga Nyanza worgo) (Looɓe nder lesdi Nyanza)

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Ɗo ɗon hawta nokkuure nde Misiyonni'en Adventistɓe nyalnde jeeɗiɗawre nder lesdi Afrik fuɗnaange. Rusinga Island e gariiri Kisii ɗon marki.

Fedde nde Dholuo winndi e ɗemngal binndi e ɗamngal binndi Dholuo hannde, e ɓamtaare Yimɓe Jaluo nder Kenya, fuɗɗii e 1907 e ardeede misiyonarɗo Adventist Day Seventh-day mo Kanada Arthur Asa Grandville Carscallen, mo golle misiyonarɗe mum nder duuɓi 14 e dow fuɗnaange fuɗnaande maayo Victoria taƴii. (Ɗum ɗon nafata tan to Luo nder Nyanza worgo, je ɗon haa fuunaaŋge maayo Victoria). Tawi taƴuki ɗu'um haa hannde e nder saare Obama nder Kenya e haandi Adventist haandiwol jeeɗiɗiɗam to Obama e Jaluo'en feere feere feere ceertu nder fuɗɗoode karnijum 20 nder nder nokkuure nde Carscallen neldi ngam haandi. Obama'en Kenya'en ngoni ardiiɓe hooreejo lesdi Amerika Barack Obama.[3]

Daga 1906 haa 1921, Carscallen laati ardiiɗo Misiyonji Lindiya Lindiya British ha nder Lindiya, ha nder jama'aare Adventist ha nder nyalnde jeeɗiɗam, nden o waɗi darnde haɓɓugo dabareji misiyonji ha fuunaaŋge Kenya ha ɓaawo maayo Victoria e haɓɓugo yimɓe nder nokkuure nden. Ɗee dabare'en hawti e Gendia, Wire Hill, Rusinga Island, Kanyadoto, Karungu, Kissi (Nyanchwa), e Kamagambo. Nder hitaande 1913, o heɓi masin masin masin masin ngam Misiyon nden o waɗi masin masin masin nder Gendia ngam wurtina defte diina, ammaa o naftiri bee masin ngam huutugo jannguki e jannguki nder nokkuure nden.

Nder duuɓi jowi, Carscallen waɗi jaɓugo haalde Jaluo, o heɓii anndal ɗemngal Dholuo, o waɗi ko o ardiiɗo jaɓugo ɗemngal ngol haa o winnda, o wurtini ɗemngal ngal e ɗemngal Nilotic-Kavirondo (Dhö Lwo), e woɓɓe ɗemɗe nafɗe, e ɗemɗe ɗemngal Engele-Kavirundo e Kavirondo-Ingele, e yoga e kuugal ngal eɗi haandi e ɗemnga nder hitaande 1910. Nden, ɓaawo duuɓi ɗiɗi, misiyonol ngol maɓɓini limɗe New Testament diga Farayse to Dholuo, ɗi ɓaawo maajum British and Foreign Bible Society wurtini. [4]

Nder hitaande 2019, Goomu Baabiraawo Yahuwah wurtini New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures nder ɗemngal Luo. Fuuɗugo Bibel ɗon ɗaɓɓa haala laaɓtuɗum, ɓurɗum anndugo. Ɗuum ɗon hokka yimɓe feere feere, ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗofta e ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗon ɗofta nder internet.[5]

Deftere ɗemngal ngal Carscallen waɗi huutoree nder duuɓi keewɗi nder fuunaaŋge Kenya, amma ko o winndi ɗum ɓurnoo seɗɗa. Ɓaawo ɗun ɓe boɗɗiti ɗum, Dho-Luo for Beginners, nden ɓe boɗɗitiiɗum nder hitaande 1936. Ha darnde ɗemngal ɗemngal ngal, Carscallen waɗi deftere mawnde "Kavirondo" (Dholuo) e Farayse, ɗum ɗon hawrata nder Sannde Fuuɗannde fuɗnaange e Afrik, University of London, UK. Walaa go'o nder kuuɗe ɗe fuɗɗii, tan ɗum ɓeydi, e ɗemɗe keso ɗe ɓe waylitii dow ɗemngal ngal Carscallen waɗi nder 1910.[6]

Dholuo woodi setji ɗiɗi je vowels jowi, je holli e feature <span typeof="mw:Nowiki" id="mwUw">[±ATR]</span> je ɗon jeya fuɗɗam nder arande. Nde ATR woni fonemiyya nder ɗemngal, kuuɗe feere-feere nder fonoloji haandi ko'e fonoloji ina jogii darnde mawnde e ina waawi wayla ATR haandi nder haandi. Ceerno hannde nder ɗemɗe goɗɗe nder Dholuo woni ko no ɓesnguji goɗɗi ɗon yi'a ɓe ɗon majjina ATR contrast e naftira [±ATR] nder feere feere.

[−ATR] vowels in Dholuo
Winndannde yeeso Fedde hakkundeere Wurtina
Ɓure ɓure ɪ ʊ
Fedde hakkunde e e e oolololol
Fuli ɐ
[+ATR] vowels in Dholuo
Winndannde yeeso Fedde hakkundeere Wurtina
Ɓooyɗe i u
Fedde hakkunde e o
Fuli a

Nder tabeli konsonantaji ɗo, koode orthographic ɗon hawta hakkunde kolte kolte ɓaawo koode IPA. Hokku [7]'e: huutoreede ⁇ y ⁇ ngam /j/, ko ɓuri heewde e ɗemɗe afrikɗe; ⁇ th ⁇ , ⁇ ⁇ dh ⁇ ko ɓesngu, wonaa ɓesngu no e ɗemngal Swahili (ko e ɗemɗi /d̪/ ina waawi ɓesngu.

Fedde ɓesngu ɓesngu nder Dholuo
Labiaal Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Naasol m ⁇ ⁇ m ⁇ m ⁇ n ⁇ n ⁇ n ⁇ ɲ ⁇ ny ⁇ ⁇ ny ⁇ ⁇ ŋ ⁇ ⁇ ngʼ ⁇
Fedde ɓesngu pre-nasalled mb ⁇ ⁇ mb ⁇ mb nd ⁇ ⁇ nd ⁇ nd ɲɟ ⁇ ⁇ nj ⁇ ŋɡ ⁇ ng ⁇ ⁇ ng ⁇ ⁇ ng
walaa ko wolwataa p ⁇ p ⁇ ⁇ p ⁇ ⁇ t̪ ⁇ th ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ th ⁇ t ⁇ ⁇ t ⁇ c ⁇ ch ⁇ ⁇ ch ⁇ ⁇ k ⁇ k ⁇ ⁇ k ⁇ ⁇ k ⁇
haalaaji b ⁇ b ⁇ ⁇ b ⁇ ⁇ b d̪ ⁇ ⁇ dh ⁇ d ⁇ ⁇ d ⁇ ɟ ⁇ ⁇ j ⁇ ɡ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ♂ ⁇ g ⁇
Fricative f ⁇ ⁇ f ⁇ s ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ s ⁇ ⁇ s h ⁇ ⁇ h ⁇
Trill r ⁇ r ⁇ ⁇ r ⁇ ⁇
Ko haani w ⁇ w ⁇ ⁇ w ⁇ ⁇ L ⁇ ⁇ l ⁇ l ⁇ j ⁇ y ⁇ ⁇ y ⁇ ⁇ y

Fedde fuɗnaange

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Dholuo ko ɗemngal tonal. Won ton lexical e ton grammatical, misaalu nder tagdi verbs passive.[8] Ɗum woodi haaki vowel dow ATR status: vowels nder wolde naa' hawtaade waawaa wonde fuu [+ATR] malla fuu [−ATR]. Ko haani ATR-harmoni hawti e semivokal /w/, /ɥ/.[9]   [faɗugo laaɓnde ngam laaɓugo] Ɗuumɗam woni ko hawti.

Dholuo ina famɗi ngam ko'e mum'en fuɗɗam'en fuɗnaande, ɗi naftiraama, ha nder feere feere, nder nanondiral jogorɗe ɗe'e e ɗe'e. Misaalu arande ɗum haala jogorgal ɓooyngol, ngam bone naa' ɗum je dogol.

Ammaa ɗo'o misaalu dow laamuuji ɗi walaa ko'e maɓɓe, ngam bone je ɗon je'a nder go'o:

Ɗe ceedeeji

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Ɗemngal Farayse Luo
hello misawa (ber)
Hol no woni? Ko honɗun waɗi? Intie nade?
Mi ɗonno. Adhi maber.
Hol innde maaɗa? Nyingi ng'a?
Innde am... Nyinga en...
Miɗo yi'a on. Amor neni.
Ɗume on ɗon ƴiwo? Nder jaakanye?
go'o subaka oyawore
jemma bon oimore
Allah barkiɗini on. Nyasaye ogwedhi.
golle mawnge tich maber
Kisndam resruok
Good-bye oriti
Mi yiɗi ndiyam. Adwaro pi.
Mi marɗo. Riyo deya. / Riyo omaka. / Riyo ohinga.
Mawnde erokamano
ɓikkoy nyathi
jannginoowo (jannginoowo jaŋde) nyathi skul, japuonjre (ja mbalariany)
wonna bi
yahu dhiyo
jaɓɓo kaw kaw
warugo dwok
warugo dwogi
jooɗortee bedi bedi
jooɗorgal / stop chung' / wee
nyaamdu kech
Mi ɗon nyaama. Kech kaya.
baaba wuoro [Dinka] wur
maama miyo [Dinka] mor mer
Allah ɗon Nyasaye, Nyakalaga, Were, Obong'o (Naaɗe feere feere hawti e kuuɗe Allah feere feere)
Allah Jawmiraawo mon Ruoth (Nyasaye)
Allah ɗon wooɗugo Nyasaye ber
wallude kony [Dinka] ba kony
man man man man dichuo
debbo dhako
boy boy boy boy wuoyi (wuowi)
debbo nyako [Dinka] nya
deftere buk, [Alego/Seme] buge
ɓeynguure rawera
penndu randiki
ɓorɗe onyas
ɓalndu long'
dowre mesa
laato tao
looti rarind, ralor
hooreejo jatelo
wurtina kel kel
Wolo ɗon. Dog kucha.
Wota haa ɗo. Duog ka.
ƴam / ƴam penj
jaabawol penjo
huutore ringi [Dinka]
yahugo wuothi
jaɓɓude dum / chikri [Alego/Seme]
ndiyam koth
naange ko'n ɗon
lewru dwe / duee
koode sulwe
ti kuugal
kalluɗe [Dinka]
ɓernde koyo koyo
Mi yiɗi nyaamugo. Adwaro chiemo.
Mi woodi ko mbi'i'mi An gi wach
mawɗo kwaro [Dinka] / kwar
mawɗo dayo [Dinka] / day
neɗɗo laamiiɗo ja rachar / ombogo / ja wagunda
cow / beef dwasi / dhiang'
haani haani wer [Dinka]
song ko woni
goɗɗum, booɗeeje ber, jaber
bonde rach
dewgal kend [Dinka], "keny" woni laawol, "thick" woni guurgal
waree kendo
jannde kiini
hannde kawuono
ɗo ka / kae
ɗon (jo ɓadii) kacha / kocha
ɗon (goɗɗi) kucho
ɓikkoy nyathi
ceede omenda / chung' / oboke / sendi / pesa
huunde bunde
huɓɓugo huɓɓugo maj bunde
fuɗɗam chaki
kootooji leki
dow chung'
nder lesdi loka
haalanki wuwu
jooɗortee bedi bedi
teddungal pakki
nyaamugo chiem
yiite maaki
Mi yiɗi ugali. Adwaro kuon.
corn, corn, maize oduma, bando
corn beans nyoyoyo
taksi matatu (Swahili)
manndaandi puodho (Alego-Ndalo)
huutugo / haɓɓugo pur / kuny
fuɗugo (e dow) fuyo
ɓale (beɗeeje) Lwang'ni
kooki (waldi) aora
laake nam
ndiyam ataro
toondee asayi


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  • Gregersen, E. (1961). Luo: Ɗuum woni ɗemngal ɗemngal. Deftere: Yale University.
  • Stafford, R. L. (1965). Ɗuum ko ɗemngal Luo ngal e ɗemngal. Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
  • Omondi, Lucia Ndong'a (1982). Ɗe ɓurɗe ɓurɗe fahinugo nder Dholuo. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
  • Tucker, A. N. (e nder Chet A. Creider) (1994). Ɗuum ko ɗemngal Kenya Luo (Dholuo). 2 firooji. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
  • Okoth Okombo, D. (1997). Grammar functional of Dholuo. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
  • Odaga, Asenath Bole (1997). Deftere ɗemngal Farayse-Dholuo. Lake Publishers & Enterprises, Kisumu.   ISBN 9966-48-781-6
  • Odhiambo, Reenish Acieng' e Aagard-Hansen, Jens (1998). Deftere darnde Dholuo. Nairobi.
  • Capen, Carole Jamieson. 1998. Ɗemngal ɗiɗi Dholuo-Ingeleese Dictionary, Kenya. Tucson (Arizona): Wondiri hoore mum. Kurasa IX, 322. [ ] 

Wurooji wurooji

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  1. Ethnologue report for Luo
  2. Tucker 25
  3. Peter Firstbrook, The Obamas: The Untold Story of an African Family. Crown Publishers, 2011. p. 106.
  4. Firstbrook, Ibid., p. 126; Arthur Asa Grandville Carscallen, Elementary grammar of the Nilotic-Kavirondo language (Dhö Lwo), together with some useful phrases, English-Kavirondo and Kavirondo-English vocabulary, and some exercises with key to the same. London: St. Joseph's Foreign Missionary Society, 1910.; Dictionary of African Christian Biography — Arthur Asa Grandville Carscallen.
  5. "Jehovah's Witnesses Release Luo-Language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in Kenya". Jw.org.
  6. Arthur Asa Grandville Carscallen, Kavirondo Dictionary. Mimeographed, n.d. 374p. (SOAS Collections). Luo and English; Melvin K. Hendrix, An International Bibliography of African Lexicons. Scarecrow Press, 1982.
  7. Tucker §1.43
  8. Okoth Okombo §1.3.4
  9. Tucker §1.3, §1.42