
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
Sana'ajipriest, singer Taƴto
Instrumentvoice Taƴto
Time periodAncient Egypt Taƴto

Henutmehyt ko innde debbo almuudo Teban mo Ejipt ɓooyɗo, wuurnooɗo e laamu 19ɓiire, hedde hitaande 1250 ko adii jibineede Iisaa. Huutoraade kaŋŋe no feewi, e toowgol e detal kaɓirɗe makko ina hollita wonde Henutmehyt ko debbo alɗuɗo.

Ceeɓal ɓandu

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Henutmehyt wirnaa ko e seto keesuuji kaŋŋe e mummy-cover gilde pecce ɗiɗi peewnaaɗi e sedere Liban e sikomore, ɗi ngoni hannde e nder galle mooftirɗo (British Museum)[1] Kaɓirgal yaajngal ngal ko feccere tan kaŋŋe (pentiir geese waɗaama ngam ƴeewndaade kaŋŋe e dow mum les ɓuuɓri ndii). E yeeso kees oo, Nut Debbo-Asamaan oo ina yaaji e baagal mum. Ɓiɓɓe Horus nayo, Isis e Nephthys ina njogii cuuɗi e nder les ɓuuɓri ndii. Gaaci alkama e gawri tawaama ina njuuti e nder resin les kees oo. Nokku boɗeejo mummy-cover ina waawi tawa ko sabu tarnishing.[2]

Ko boondi shabti je je je je ɗon haani e holla henutmehyt je ɗon mawnina ɗiɗo e dow allahuje canopic e ɗon jaɓa nyaamdu e inaboojam diga goddess Nut. Wonnoo kooseje shabti nayi fuu, ɗon woodi shabtis 40 je ɗon ɓanngina e yiite e geese.

Woni e nder ɓandu maako boo, ɓe ɓesdi gabbol ɓandu. Ɗuum ɗemngal woni Fedde 100 diga Deftere maayɓe (fedde dow daraja e habaru yahugo dow ɓolde Ra) nden ɗum winndaa e ɓaleere e tinndal e ɗam. Papyrus ɗon haɓɓana dow ɓaawo mumy, bana ɗum haɓɓanaama (ko'o haɓɓana 100 haɓɓanaaki dow ɓernde maayɗo to walaa ɓandu maako). Ɗi'e ɗii ɗemɗe ɓeydi ɓeydi ɗuuɗugo caggal Laamu keso.

Wondunooɓe nder suudu saawre ɓe waɗi bee leɗɗe ɗe ɓe mbaɗaay. Henutmehyt'en cembaluuji majji ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon hawrugo. Ɓe ɗon ɓeyda limce ɗe ɗe ɓe ɗon kuuwa: kolte Djed, limce Anubis, limce mummiform nder leɗɗe, e limce. Ɗi'e hoore maɓɓe ɗon haani bee kuuje majji.

Booti wood, fuɗnaama ɓaleejo e ɗon hawta be leɗɗe ɗe ɓorɗe nder leɗɗe e leɗɗe boo ngam daliila ko'e baali boo waawi warugo nder kuuje ɓaawo Henutmehyt. Koɗol ngol ɗon hawta nyaamdu ɗuuɗal nyaamdu.

  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named BM
  2. Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt, Nigel Strudwic, The British Museum Press, p. 214-216.