Jeff Tracy

Jeff Tracy ko neɗɗo fenaande ummoriiɗo e teleeji Gerry e Sylvia Anderson biyeteeɗi Thunderbirds e filmuuji garooji ɗii, ko Peter Dyneley rokki ɗum. Jikku oo feeñii kadi e filmo biyeteeɗo Thunderbirds, mo fiyoowo Bill Paxton fiyi.

Biography asli series

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Sereeji ɗii puɗɗii yaltude ko ñalnde 2 lewru Yarkomaa 1970 walla 2009, nde Jeff ina yahra e duuɓi 56. E wiyde daartol makko caggal "bio", Jeff jibinaa ko ñalnde 2 lewru Yarkomaa 2009, [1] ɓiy sofereeɓe otooji coftal ɓalli e nder ngesa alkama Kansas.[2][3]

  • Military service in the U.S. Air Force achieving rank of colonel
  • Transfer to Space Agency to become an early lunar astronaut
  • Jeff married and became the father of five sons (from eldest to youngest): Scott; Virgil; John; Gordon; and Alan. Each of the Tracy boys (born in rapid succession in the period 2000–2005 or 2039–2044) was named after one of the Project Mercury astronauts: Scott Carpenter, Virgil Grissom, John Glenn, Gordon Cooper and Alan Shepard.
  • His wife died possibly in a non-canonical 1993 comic strip, in which she and Jeff's father, Grant Tracy, died in an avalanche, while a novel published in 2008 had her pass away as a result of a road accident, where her vehicle fell off the side of a cliff.
  • Jeff raised his five sons, while building up a civil engineering, construction and aerospace business that made him one of the richest men in the world.
  • He became a philanthropist and instigated and financed International Rescue.