Mvula ya Nangolo


Mvula ya Nangolo (9 August 1943 - 25 April 2019) wonnoo wonde jaayndiyankeere e mawɗo Namibiya.

O was born in Oniimwandi on 9 August 1943 and grew up in Lüderitz and later Windhoek. He joined the independence movement SWAPO at the age of 18 and later moved to Germany on a journalism scholarship. He was the first editor of Namibia Today and worked as a Special Advisor to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. He died on 25 April 2019 in Tauben Glen, Windhoek as a result of complications from a stroke.[1]

Nder poem Namibia o wi'i:

"Ɓernde am ɗon uddita to mi ɗon haaje

To mi waawi wonde tan e miijooji am

Mi wartii haa ɗo ngam mi wondi nder ladde

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  1. Kahiurika, Ndanki (25 April 2019). "Veteran journalist Mvula ya Nangolo dies". The Namibian.