Natalia Dumitresco

Natalia Dumitresco
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuFarayse, Romaniya Taƴto
InndeNatalia Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguDumitresco Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo20 Bowte 1915 Taƴto
ƊofordeBucharest Taƴto
Date of death3 Morso 1997 Taƴto
Place of deathChars, Pari Taƴto
Place of burialMontparnasse Cemetery Taƴto
Dee/goriiwoAlexandre Istrati Taƴto
RelativeTheodor Nicol Taƴto
WoldeFaransinkoore, Romanian Taƴto
Sana'ajipainter Taƴto
Field of workart of painting Taƴto
Work locationFarayse Taƴto
Movementabstract expressionism Taƴto
Award receivedPrix Kandinsky Taƴto
Copyright representativereproduction right represented by CISAC-member Taƴto
Has works in the collectionMusée d'art moderne de Paris, Harvard Art Museums, Fogg Museum, Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art Taƴto
Copyright status as a creatorworks protected by copyrights Taƴto
Artist files atPhiladelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives, Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library Taƴto

Natalia Dumitresco (jibinaa ko Natalia Dumitrescu ; 20 desaambar 1915 to Bukarest, Rumaani – 3 sulyee 1997 to Chars, Farayse) ko pentoowo abstrakt Farayse-Rumaani, jokkondirɗo e salon Réalités Nouvelles to Pari caggal wolde adunaare ɗimmere, dille ɗe naalankaagal ƴellitii ko Wasili Kandinski e Alberto Magnelli. Woɗɓe pentooɓe kollitooje abstrakt jokkondirɓe e goongaaji kesi ina njeyaa heen Serge Poliakoff e Alexandre Istrati. Dumitresco caggal ɗuum resi Aleksandre Istrati.

Caggal duuɓi keewɗi e golle e ɓaleejo e boɗeejo, o haɓaaki e caɗeele kalaaji, o holliri asliiji e newingol kalaaji mawngol e nder jimɗi makko.

Kanko e gorko makko ɓe mberlaama e nder yanaande wootere e Konstantin Brâncuși.