Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve


Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve ko nokkuure nder lesdi Malawi.

In contrast to the Nyika National Park on the Nyika Plateau, much of Vwaza is located on low-lying flat ground although the eastern side of the park is hilly. It is located to the southeast of the plateau and to the north of the floodplains of South Rukuru River and covers an area of 1,000 km2.

Duniyaa ɗo ɗo wondi bee leɗɗe Mopane e Miombo e leɗɗe ɗe laato e leɗɗe, ɗe ɓaŋgan ɗuuɗal colli haa nokkuure nde.

Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve ɗon ɓeyda yahugo yimɓe ɗuuɗɓe, ɓurna fuu ngam haala laawol ɓeydaaki e dunngal ɓeydaani e ɓeydaago.

Ɗuum je je je je haani ha ɗuuɗal dabbaaji je je haɗi ha haɗi ha wakkatiire nde ɓe je haɗi daande e North Luangwa National Park ha Zambia. Hono nder nokkuure nde, woodi ɓalli mawɗi ɗi buffalo'en e njamndi, e feere feere e antelope hawti e roan, kudu mawɗo, hartebeest Lichtenstein, eland e impala.[1] Warthogs ɗon wondi boo nder nokkuure nde, bana boo bee hippopotamus ɗuuɗugo nder maayo Kazuni. Kaɓɓirɗe kamera ngam huutoreeji boo holli wonde le'o ɗon, ammaa boo boo ɗum ɗon ɗon, bana leopardo'en e dogeje ladde.

Moses, mo ɓe ɓe ɓe ɓe'e ɓe'e nder suudu do'aɓe ɓe'e haa lesdi Lilongwe, nder lesdi Malawi, ɗon nder suudu do do'aare Jumbo Foundation, ɓe'e ɗon ɓe'e ha nder mardi Vwaza nder maayo Rukuru. [1]

Yimɓe ɓe njiɗata ko colli go'o, go'o go'o e go'o. Laku Kazuni ɗon ha nder nokkuure nde'e, ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon haɓɓii yimɓe hippo.

Reserve ina woodi feere feere fu nder leɗɗe e woodi leɗɗe ɓesngu 398 diga leɗɗe 71.

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  1. Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve, Expert Africa, Retrieved on July 1, 2008