Kellen Goff

Kellen Goff
Syntynyt3. helmikuuta 1995
Torrance, Kalifornia, Yhdysvallat
Ammatti ääninäyttelijä
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Kellen Goff (s. 3. helmikuuta 1995) on yhdysvaltalainen ääninäyttelijä, joka tunnetaan ääninäyttelystä videopeleissä ja animaatiosarjoissa.


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Vuosi Nimi Rooli Merkintä
2015 Like, Share, Die Barack Obama / Naruto Cosplayer / Boob Enthusiast / Fanny Pack Smurfster / Musician 2 / Protester / Audience Member / Josh's Inner Beard / Announcer / Todd / Jackson Galaxy / Secretary of Defense / Apple Sales Clerk / Elmo / Danny / Vishnu / Batman / Steve Higgins / Dinosaur / Cat Call / Construction Guy #1 / Judge / Cringer / Comic Book Shop Owner / Xenomorph / Rhino Monia rooleja
2016 Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Sammy the Spade Only appears in 6th episode [1]
2016 The Swan Princess: Princess Tomorrow, Pirate Today Nums / Rufus Monia rooleja
2016 Rock Dog Rock Show Announcer May have other roles [2]
Vuosi Nimi Rooli Merkintä
2010 Star Trek Online V.S. T'Pau Security Guard / Bar Patron / I.K.S. Sarpek Klingon Captain Monia rooleja, may have voiced after 2010- "year" is judged by initial release date
2010 Heroes of Newerth Ichor / Si Ma Yi / Blade of Blackwal
2015 Zombie Vikings Molgaga / King Fluffy / InkyPinky / Hel's Helper Henry / Master Slappy / Commentator Sigvaldi / Bork Prophet / Prissy Scout / Maggots / Cat Warriors / Fishgaard Mob / Butterfly Fans / Bork Slaves / Maggot Mob / Butterfly Mascot / Hellheim Denizen 2 / Pebbles the Dog / Beaknose / Oink the Unicorn Pig Multiple roles
2016 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location Funtime Freddy
2016 Fe Bear May have other roles [3]
2016 Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Renegade Sergeant
2016/2017 Yandere Simulator Ronshaku's Father Peli edelleen kehityksessä [4]
2021 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach Glamrock Freddy
  1. Don't Hug Me .I'm Scared: Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6 19.6.2016. Viitattu 30.1.2017.
  2. "Kellen Goff" Retrieved 2017-01-30 "Rock Show Announcer/Additional Voices"
  3. "Kellen Goff" Retrieved 2017-01-30 "Bear/Others"
  4. Yandere Simulator Development Blog Viitattu 30.1.2017. (englanniksi)

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