From Poverty to Dignity: a strategy for poor Americans. Garden City, 1974.
Sane Asylum: Inside the Delancey Street Foundation. San Francisco Book Company, 1976.
Années 1980
(en) Maps of the Mind. Charts and concepts of the mind and its labyrinths, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1981.
Gentlemen and tradesmen: the values of economic catastrophe, Routledge/Kegan Paul, 1983.
Années 1990
Atlas de notre cerveau. Les grandes voies du psychisme et de la cognition, Les Éditions d'Organisation, 1990.
Charting the corporate mind: from dilemma to strategy, Basil Blackwell, 1990.
L'entreprise face a ses valeurs. Cartographier les tensions et developer la synergie, Les Editions d'Organisation, 1992.
La culture d'entreprise. Des cercles vicieux aux cercles vertueux, Seuil, 1992.
Avec Fons Trompenaars, The seven cultures of capitalism: value, systems for creating wealth in the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands, Piatkus, 1993.
Corporate culture: how to generate organisational strength and lasting commercial advantage. London: Piatkus, 1994.
1997, with Fons Trompenaars, Mastering the infinite game: how East Asian values are transforming business practices. Oxford: Capstone, 1997.
Avec Fons Trompenaars, Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural diversity in business. London: Nicholas Brealey.
Années 2000
Avec Fons Trompenaars, Building cross-cultural competence: how to create wealth from conflicting values. Chichester: Wiley, 2000.
Avec Fons Trompenaars, 21 leaders for the 21st century: how innovative leaders manage in the digital age. Oxford: Capstone, 2001.
Avec Fons Trompenaars, Managing people across cultures. Chichester: Capstone, 2004.
Avec B. Groen, The Titans of Saturn: leadership and performance lessons from the Cassini-Huygens mission. Singapore and London: Marshall Cavendish Business and Cyan Communications Ltd, 2005.