Husain Salaahuddin(en) (1881-1948), The Story of Dhon Beefaan, The Story of Thakurufaan the Great, Shaikh Zubair
Bodufenvalhuge Sidi(en) (1888-1970), romancier, Dillygey Ibrahim Didi ge Vaahaka, Maa Makunudu Bodu Isa ge Vaahaka, Lhen Hedumuge Masaikaiyterikamuge Ran Taraadu (poésie)
(en) Sangh Mittra et Bachchan Kumar, Encyclopaedia of women in South Asia, vol. 8, Maldives, Kalpaz Pub., Delhi, 2004, 205 p. (ISBN81-7835195-1)
(en) Xavier Romero-Frias, The Maldive Islanders: A Study of the Popular Culture of an Ancient Ocean Kingdom, Nova Ethnographia Indica, 2003, 306 p. (ISBN9788472548015)
(en) Xavier Romero-Frias (collect. et trad.), Folk tales of the Maldives, NIAS Press, Copenhagen, 2012, 300 p. (ISBN978-8776941055)