(en) Voßen, Rainer, The Eastern Nilotes. Linguistics and Historical Reconstructions, Kölner Beiträge zur Afrikanistik no 9, Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1982, (ISBN3-496-00698-6)
(en) Dimmendaal, G. J. 1983, The Turkana Language, Dordrecht, Foris.
(en) Farina, F. 1965, Akarimojong-Swahili-English Vocabulary, Kampala, Uganda Bookshop Press.
(en) Hilders, J. H. et J. C. D. Lawrance 1956, An introduction to the Ateso language, Kampala, Eagle Press.
(en) Hilders, J. H. et J. C. D. Lawrance 1968, An English-Ateso and Ateso-English Vocabulary, Kampala, Eagle Press.
(en) Kitching, A. L. 1915, Handbook of the Ateso Language, Londres, S.P.C.K.
(en) Mol, F. F. 1978, Maa. A Dictionary of the Maasai Language and Folklore, Nairobi.
(it) Muratori, C. 1938, Grammatica lotuxo, Vérone, Missioni Africane.