V. A. Bazhanov. Philosophy in Post-Soviet Russia (1992 - 1997): Background, Present State, and Prospects // Studies in East European Thought, 1999, vol. 15, N 4, p. 1 - 23.
(ru) Bolshevistskaya Filosofiya (The Bolshevist Philosophy), vol. 3 vols (lire en ligne)
(en) Teodor Oizerman et H. Campbell Creighton (translator, M. A., Oxon), The Main Trends in Philosophy. A Theoretical Analysis of the History of Philosophy, Moscou, Progress Publishers, , 2e éd., DjVu, etc. (ISBN978-5-01-000506-1, LCCN89105655, lire en ligne)
(en) Alexander Spirkin et translated from the Russian by Sergei Syrovatkin, Fundamentals of Philosophy, Moscou, Progress Publishers, , DjVu, PDF, etc. (ISBN978-5-01-002582-3, lire en ligne)