Elle est récipiendaire de deux prix d'enseignement distingués : le prix d'enseignement de la Morris Alumni Association de l'Université du Minnesota en 2003[2] et le Horace T. Morse University of Minnesota Alumni en 2004[3].
"Psychological Continuity and Trauma," The Journal of Philosophical Research, 39(2014), 101-125.
"Four Theses in Frege," Paradigmi, 3 (2013): 43-59.
"Hilary Putnam's Consistency Objection Against Wittgenstein's Conventionalism in Mathematics," Philosophia Mathematica, (III), 00 (2013): 1-18.
"Il destino di Karen. Università e donne nel Nord America" (Karen's Fate. Academe and Women in North America), Diogene, Vol. 4, 16(September–November 2009), pp. 44–46.
"Scienza," in Donna m'apparve, Codice Edizioni 2009, pp. 117–130.
"Editor's Introduction," in Philip Hugly and Charles Sayward, Arithmetic and Ontology: A Non-Realist Philosophy of Mathematics, Monograph-in-Debate Series of The Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 90, Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, 2006, pp. 11–20.
"On Frege's Alleged Indispensability Argument," in Philosophia Mathematica (III) 13(2005), pp. 160–173.
"Esiste una condizione necessaria per la razionalitá?" (Is there a necessary condition for rationality?), in Esperienza e razionalitá. Prospettive contemporanee, edited by Roberta Corvi, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2005, pp. 127–143.
"On Behalf of the Neglected Body," in Ikaheimo, Kotkavirta, Laitinen, and Lyyra, eds., Personhood. workshop Papers of the Conference "Dimensions of Personhood," University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2004, pp. 54–60.
"Filosofia della Matematica" (Philosophy of Mathematics), Storia della filosofia analitica (History of Analytic Philosophy), Einaudi, Turin (Italy), 2002.
"La Varietà delle epistemologie femministe" (The Variety of Feminist Epistemologies), Donne e filosofia (Women and Philosophy), Erga, 2001, pp. 218–233.
"Why the New Theorist May still Need to Explain Cognitive Significance but not Mind Doing It," Philosophia Vol. 28 (2000), pp. 1–11.
"Mens Una in Corpore Uno," Identità personale: un dibattito aperto (Personal Identity: an open debate), Andrea Bottani and Nicla Vassallo, eds. Loffredo, Naples 2000, pp. 281–309.
"The Quine/Wittgenstein Controversy: Any Role for Feminist Empiricism in It?," Epistemologia, Vol. XXII (1999), pp. 63–90.
"Il controverso rapporto fra naturalismo e femminismo" (The Controversial Relationship Between Naturalism and Feminism), in E. Agazzi and N. Vassallo, eds., Introduzione al Naturalismo (Introduction to Naturalism), Franco Angeli, March 1998.
"The Distinction Between the Logical and the Empirical in On Certainty," Philosophical Investigations, 1998.
"Actuality and Necessity," The Journal of Critical Analysis, vol. 9, No. 2 (1992). pp. 173–187.
"Anti-Realism and Objectivity in Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics," Philosophica, 48 (1991, 2), 93-106.
"Frege on the Analysis of Thoughts," History and Philosophy of Logic, 12 (1991), 195-210.
"Taylor's Defense of Two Traditional Arguments for the Existence of God," Sophia, (co-authored with Lory Lemke), vol. 29, no. 1, April 1990, pp. 31–41.
"Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics: A Reply to Two Objections," Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 26, 1988, pp. 179–191.
Jose Maria Ariso, "El efecto de la experiencia sobre la reestructuración de los sistemas de creencias de Quine y Wittgenstein" ("L'effet de l'expérience sur la restructuration des systèmes de croyances de Quine et Wittgenstein"), LOGOS . Anales del Seminario de Metafísica Vol. 41 (2008) : 239-258.
Daniele Moyal-Sharrock(en), « Wittgenstein Distinguished: A Response to Pieranna Garavaso », Philosophical Investigations, volume 23, numéro 1, janvier 2000, pp. 54-69(16).
"Some Objections to Garavaso's Wittgenstein", The Southern Journal of Philosophy (1991) Volume XXIX, n° 3.