Les Psocidae sont une famille d'insectes de l'ordre des Psocoptera, du sous-ordre des Psocomorpha et de l'infra-ordre des Psocetae.
Selon Catalogue of Life (03 octobre 2022) :
- Amphigerontiinae Kolbe, 1880
- Amphigerontiini Kolbe, 1880
- Blastini Li, 2002
- Stylatopsocini Li, 2002
- Non assigné
- Anomaloblaste Endang, Thornton & New, 2002
- Blaste Kolbe, 1883
- Blastopsocidus Badonnel, 1955
- Blastopsocus Roesler, 1943
- Chilopsocus Li, 2002
- Disopsocus Li, 2002
- Elaphopsocoides Roman-Palacios et al., 2014
- Elaphopsocus Roesler, 1940
- Elytropsocus Smithers & Thornton, 1981
- Epiblaste Li, 1993
- Euclismioides Smithers & Thornton, 1981
- Glossoblaste Yoshizawa, 2010
- Indoblaste Endang & Thornton, 1992
- Javablaste Endang, Thornton & New, 2002
- Neoblaste Thornton, 1960
- Neopsocopsis Badonnel, 1936
- Kaindipsocinae Yoshizawa et al., 2011
- Psocinae Hagen, 1865
- Atrichadenotecnini Yoshizawa & Johnson, 2008
- Cycetini Roesler, 1940
- Metylophorini Roesler, 1943
- Psocini Hagen, 1865
- Ptyctini Mockford, 1993
- Atlantopsocus Badonnel, 1944
- Barrowia Smithers, 1984
- Camelopsocus Mockford, 1965
- Copostigma Enderlein, 1903
- Indiopsocus Mockford, 1974
- Javapsocus Endag, Thornton & New, 2002
- Kimunpsocus Yoshizawa, 2009
- Loensia Enderlein, 1924
- Mecampsis Enderlein, 1925
- Oreopsocus Roesler, 1939
- Psocidus Pearman, 1934
- Psocomesites Roesler, 1943
- Ptycta Enderlein, 1925
- Steleops Enderlein, 1910
- Symbiopsocus Li, 1997
- Trichadenotecnum Enderlein, 1909
- Sigmatoneurini Li, 2002
- Thyrsophorini Kolbe, 1882
- Arabopsocus Lienhard, 2008
- Cerastipsocus Kolbe, 1884
- Cervopsocus New, 1978
- Clematoscenea Enderlein, 1907
- Dactylopsocus Roesler, 1940
- Eremopsocus McLachlan, 1866
- Ghesquierella Badonnel, 1949
- Longivalvus Li, 1993
- Neopsocus Kolbe, 1882
- Propsococerastis Li & Yang, 1988
- Pseudoclematus Li, 1992
- Psococerastis Pearman, 1932
- Setopsocus Smithers & Thornton, 1981
- Sundapsocus Smithers, 1995
- Non assigné
- Cephalopsocus Li, 2002
- Ceratostigma Li, 2002
- Cyclotus Li, 2002
- Fashenglianus Lienhard, 2003
- Hybopsocus Li, 2002
- Lativalva Li, 2002
- Lipsocus Li, 2002
- Lubricus Li, 2002
- Pogonopsocus Li, 2002
- Pseudoptycta Li, 2002
- Sacopsocus Li, 2002
- Sciadionopsocus Li, 2002
- Trichadenopsocus Li, 2002
- Thyrsophorinae Pearman, 1936
- Non assigné
- ↑ (en) Samouelle, G., 1819: The entomologists' useful compendium; or an introduction to the knowledge of British Insects, comprising the best means of obtaining and preserving them, and a description of the apparatus generally used; together with the genera of Linné, and modern methods of arranging the Classes Crustacea, Myriapoda, spiders, mites and insects, from their affinities and structure, according to the views of Dr. Leach. Also an explanation of the terms used in entomology; a calendar of the times of appearance and usual situations of near 3,000 species of British Insects; with instructions for collecting and fitting up objects for the microscope. Thomas Boys, London, 496 pp., 12 pls.
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Familles d'Hexapodes du Portail:Entomologie : (COLL, DIPL, PROT, INSE:(Apt, Ptér, ††† + 16 ordres : Bla, Col, Der, Dip, Éph, Hém, Hym, Lép, Man, Név, Odo, Ort, Pha, Plé, Pso, Tri)) |