Schistura est un genre de poissons téléostéens de la famille des Nemacheilidae (ordre des Cypriniformes ). Schistura est un genre de « loches de pierre » qui se rencontre en Asie méridionale et orientale. Tous les membres du genre Schistura vivent dans des ruisseaux et des rivières ; certains habitent des grottes et sont dites troglobites [ 1] .
Liste de 219 espèces :
Schistura acuticephala Hora, 1929
Schistura afasciata Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura aizawlensis Lalramliana, 2012[ 2]
Schistura albirostris X. Y. Chen & Neely, 2012[ 3]
Schistura alta Nalbant & Bianco, 1998
Schistura alticrista Kottelat, 1990
Schistura altipedunculatus Bănărescu & Nalbant, 1968
Schistura amplizona Kottelat, 2000
Schistura anambarensis Mirza & Bănărescu, 1970
Schistura andrewi Solo, Lalramliana, Lalronunga & Lalnuntluanga, 2014[ 4]
Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura aramis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura arifi Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura athos Kottelat, 2000
Schistura atra Kottelat, 1998
Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish, 2011[ 5]
Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura bairdi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura balteata Rendahl (de), 1948
Schistura baluchiorum Zugmayer, 1912
Schistura bannaensis Z. M. Chen, J. X. Yang & W. L. Qi, 2005
Schistura beavani Günther, 1868 (Creek loach)
Schistura bella Kottelat, 1990
Schistura bhimachari Hora, 1937
Schistura bolavenensis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura breviceps H. M. Smith, 1945
Schistura bucculenta H. M. Smith, 1945
Schistura callichroma S. Q. Zhu & S. H. Wang, 1985
Schistura callidora Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2011[ 6]
Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura carletoni Fowler, 1924
Schistura cataracta Kottelat, 1998
Schistura caudofurca Đ. Y. Mai, 1978
Schistura chapaensis Rendahl (de), 1944
Schistura chindwinica Tilak & Husain, 1990
Schistura cincticauda Blyth, 1860
Schistura clatrata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura conirostris S. Q. Zhu, 1982
Schistura coruscans Kottelat, 2000
Schistura crabro Kottelat, 2000
Schistura crocotula Plongsesthee, Kottelat & Beamish, 2013[ 7]
Schistura cryptofasciata X. Y. Chen, D. P. Kong & J. X. Yang, 2005
Schistura curtistigma Mirza & Nalbant, 1981
Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura daubentoni Kottelat, 1990
Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003
Schistura defectiva Kottelat, 2000
Schistura denisoni F. Day, 1867
Schistura desmotes Fowler, 1934
Schistura devdevi Hora, 1935
Schistura diminuta C. Ou, C. G. Montaña, Winemiller & Conway, 2011[ 8]
Schistura disparizona W. Zhou & Kottelat, 2005
Schistura doonensis Tilak & Husain, 1977
Schistura dorsizona Kottelat, 1998
Schistura dubia Kottelat, 1990
Schistura ephelis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura fasciata Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2011[ 9]
Schistura fascimaculata Mirza & Nalbant, 1981
Schistura fasciolata Nichols & C. H. Pope, 1927
Schistura ferruginea Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013[ 10]
Schistura finis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura fusinotata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura gangetica Menon, 1987
Schistura geisleri Kottelat, 1990
Schistura globiceps Kottelat, 2000
Schistura hagiangensis V. H. Nguyễn, 2005 - (espèce inquirenda dans Schistura )
Schistura harnaiensis Mirza & Nalbant, 1969
Schistura himachalensis Menon, 1987
Schistura hingi Herre, 1934
Schistura hoai V. H. Nguyễn, 2005
Schistura horai Menon, 1952
Schistura huapingensis Y. F. Wu & C. Z. Wu, 1992
Schistura huongensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura hypsiura Bohlen, Šlechtová & Udomritthiruj, 2014[ 11]
Schistura imitator Kottelat, 2000
Schistura implicata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura incerta Nichols, 1931
Schistura irregularis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura isostigma Kottelat, 1998
Schistura jarutanini Kottelat, 1990
Schistura kangjupkhulensis Hora, 1921
Schistura kangrae Menon, 1951
Schistura kaysonei Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin, 2002
Schistura kengtungensis Fowler, 1936
Schistura khamtanhi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta, 2004
Schistura kloetzliae Kottelat, 2000
Schistura kodaguensis Menon, 1987
Schistura kohatensis Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura kohchangensis H. M. Smith, 1933
Schistura koladynensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2012[ 12]
Schistura kongphengi Kottelat, 1998
Schistura kontumensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura latidens Kottelat, 2000
Schistura latifasciata S. Q. Zhu & S. H. Wang, 1985
Schistura leukensis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura liyaiensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2014[ 13]
Schistura longa S. Q. Zhu, 1982
Schistura machensis Mirza & Nalbant, 1970
Schistura macrocephalus Kottelat, 2000
Schistura macrolepis Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura macrotaenia J. X. Yang, 1990
Schistura maculiceps T. R. Roberts, 1989
Schistura maculosa Lalronunga, Lalnuntluanga & Lalramliana, 2013[ 14]
Schistura maejotigrina Suvarnaraksha, 2012[ 15]
Schistura maepaiensis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura magnifluvis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura mahnerti Kottelat, 1990
Schistura malaisei Kottelat, 1990
Schistura manipurensis B. L. Chaudhuri, 1912
Schistura megalodon Endruweit, 2014[ 16]
Schistura melarancia Kottelat, 2000
Schistura menanensis H. M. Smith, 1945
Schistura minuta Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar, 2006
Schistura mizoramensis Lalramliana, Lalronunga, Vanramliana & Lalthanzara, 2014[ 17]
Schistura mobbsi Kottelat & Leisher, 2012[ 18]
Schistura moeiensis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura montana McClelland, 1838
Schistura mukambbikaensis Menon, 1987
Schistura multifasciata F. Day, 1878
Schistura nagaensis Menon, 1987
Schistura nagodiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra, 2006
Schistura namboensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura nandingensis S. Q. Zhu & S. H. Wang, 1985
Schistura nasifilis Pellegrin, 1936
Schistura nebeshwari Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013[ 19]
Schistura nicholsi H. M. Smith, 1933
Schistura nilgiriensis Menon, 1987
Schistura nomi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura notostigma Bleeker, 1863
Schistura novemradiata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura nudidorsum Kottelat, 1998
Schistura obeini Kottelat, 1998
Schistura obliquofascia Lokeshwor, Barat, Sati, Darshan, Vishwanath & Mahanta, 2012[ 20]
Schistura oedipus Kottelat, 1988
Schistura orthocauda Đ. Y. Mai, 1978
Schistura pantherina Page, Plongsesthee & Z. S. Randall, 2012[ 21]
Schistura papulifera Kottelat, Harries & Proudlove, 2007
Schistura paucicincta Kottelat, 1990
Schistura paucifasciata Hora, 1929
Schistura paucireticulata Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Kosygin, 2013[ 22]
Schistura pawensis Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013[ 23]
Schistura personata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura pertica Kottelat, 2000
Schistura pervagata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura phamhringi Shangningam, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2014[ 24]
Schistura phongthoensis V. H. Nguyễn, 2005 - (espèce inquirenda dans Schistura )
Schistura poculi H. M. Smith, 1945
Schistura polytaenia S. Q. Zhu, 1982
Schistura porocephala Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013[ 25]
Schistura porthos Kottelat, 2000
Schistura prashadi Hora, 1921
Schistura pridii Vidthayanon, 2003
Schistura procera Kottelat, 2000
Schistura prolixifasciata L. P. Zheng, J. X. Yang & X. Y. Chen, 2012[ 26]
Schistura pseudofasciolata W. Zhou & G. H. Cui, 1993
Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura pumatensis X. K. Nguyễn & H. D. Nguyễn, 2007
Schistura puncticeps Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013[ 27]
Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat, 1998
Schistura quaesita Kottelat, 2000
Schistura quasimodo Kottelat, 2000
Schistura rajasthanica Mathur & Yazdani, 1970
Schistura rara S. Q. Zhu & W. X. Cao, 1987
Schistura reidi H. M. Smith, 1945
Schistura reticulata Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma, 2004
Schistura reticulofasciata A. Singh & Bănărescu, 1982
Schistura rikiki Kottelat, 2000
Schistura robertsi Kottelat, 1990
Schistura rosammai N. Sen, 2009
Schistura rubrimaculata Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2013[ 23]
Schistura rupecula McClelland, 1838
Schistura russa Kottelat, 2000
Schistura savona F. Hamilton, 1822
Schistura scaturigina McClelland, 1839
Schistura shuensis Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2014[ 28]
Schistura schultzi H. M. Smith, 1945
Schistura scyphovecteta Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013[ 19]
Schistura semiarmata F. Day, 1867
Schistura sertata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura sexcauda Fowler, 1937
Schistura sexnubes Endruweit, 2014[ 29]
Schistura shadiwalensis Mirza & Nalbant, 1981
Schistura sharavathiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra, 2006
Schistura shebbearei Hora, 1935
Schistura shuangjiangensis S. Q. Zhu & S. H. Wang, 1985
Schistura sigillata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura sijuensis Menon, 1987
Schistura sikmaiensis Hora, 1921
Schistura similis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura singhi Menon, 1987
Schistura sirindhornae Suvarnaraksha, 2015[ 30]
Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura sombooni Kottelat, 1998
Schistura sonlaensis T. H. Nguyễn, V. H. Nguyễn & T. T. Hoàng, 2010[ 31] - (cette espèce est incertae sedis probablement dans ce genre)
Schistura spekuli Kottelat, 2004
Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003
Schistura spiloptera Valenciennes, 1846
Schistura spilota Fowler, 1934
Schistura striata F. Day, 1867
Schistura suber Kottelat, 2000
Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang, Page & Beamish, 2012[ 32]
Schistura tenura Kottelat, 2000
Schistura thanho Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura tigrina Vishwanath & Nebeshwar, 2005
Schistura tirapensis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura tizardi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura trilineata T. H. Nguyễn, V. H. Nguyễn & T. T. Hoàng, 2010[ 31] - (cette espèce est incertae sedis probablement dans ce genre)
Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat, 1998
Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & Šlechtová, 2010
Schistura vinciguerrae Hora, 1935
Schistura waltoni Fowler, 1937
Schistura xhatensis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura yingjiangensis S. Q. Zhu, 1982
Schistura zonata McClelland, 1839
Selon FishBase (22 juillet 2015) [ 33] - 199 espèces :
Schistura acuticephalus (Hora, 1929)
Schistura afasciata Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura aizawlensis Lalramliana, 2012
Schistura albirostris Chen & Neely, 2012
Schistura alta Nalbant & Bianco, 1998
Schistura alticrista Kottelat, 1990
Schistura altipedunculatus (Bănărescu & Nalbant, 1968)
Schistura amplizona Kottelat, 2000
Schistura anambarensis (Mirza & Bănărescu, 1970)
Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura aramis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura arifi Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura athos Kottelat, 2000
Schistura atra Kottelat, 1998
Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish, 2011
Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura bairdi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura balteata (Rendahl, 1948)
Schistura baluchiorum (Zugmayer, 1912)
Schistura bannaensis Chen, Yang & Qi, 2005
Schistura beavani (Günther, 1868)
Schistura bella Kottelat, 1990
Schistura bolavenensis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura breviceps (Smith, 1945)
Schistura bucculenta (Smith, 1945)
Schistura callichromus (Zhu & Wang, 1985)
Schistura callidora Bohlen & ?lechtová, 2011
Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura cataracta Kottelat, 1998
Schistura caudofurca (Mai, 1978)
Schistura chapaensis (Rendahl, 1944)
Schistura chindwinica (Tilak & Husain, 1990)
Schistura cincticauda (Blyth, 1860)
Schistura clatrata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura conirostris (Zhu, 1982)
Schistura coruscans Kottelat, 2000
Schistura crabro Kottelat, 2000
Schistura cryptofasciata Chen, Kong & Yang, 2005
Schistura curtistigma Mirza & Nalbant, 1981
Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura daubentoni Kottelat, 1990
Schistura dayi (Hora, 1935)
Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003
Schistura defectiva Kottelat, 2000
Schistura deignani (Smith, 1945)
Schistura desmotes (Fowler, 1934)
Schistura devdevi (Hora, 1935)
Schistura diminuta Ou, Montaña, Winemiller & Conway, 2011
Schistura disparizona Zhou & Kottelat, 2005
Schistura dorsizona Kottelat, 1998
Schistura dubia Kottelat, 1990
Schistura ephelis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura fasciata Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2011
Schistura fascimaculata Mirza & Nalbant, 1981
Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope, 1927)
Schistura finis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura fowleriana (Smith, 1945)
Schistura fusinotata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura geisleri Kottelat, 1990
Schistura globiceps Kottelat, 2000
Schistura harnaiensis (Mirza & Nalbant, 1969)
Schistura himachalensis (Menon, 1987)
Schistura hingi (Herre, 1934)
Schistura hoai (Nguyen, 2005)
Schistura horai (Menon, 1952)
Schistura humilis (Lin, 1932)
Schistura huongensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura hypsiura Bohlen, Slechtová & Udomritthiruj, 2014
Schistura imitator Kottelat, 2000
Schistura implicata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura incerta (Nichols, 1931)
Schistura irregularis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura isostigma Kottelat, 1998
Schistura jarutanini Kottelat, 1990
Schistura kangjupkhulensis (Hora, 1921)
Schistura kaysonei Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin, 2002
Schistura kengtungensis (Fowler, 1936)
Schistura khamtanhi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta, 2004
Schistura kloetzliae Kottelat, 2000
Schistura kohatensis Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura kohchangensis (Smith, 1933)
Schistura koladynensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2012
Schistura kongphengi Kottelat, 1998
Schistura kontumensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura laterimaculata Kottelat, 1990
Schistura latidens Kottelat, 2000
Schistura latifasciata (Zhu & Wang, 1985)
Schistura leukensis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura lingyunensis Liao, Wang & Luo, 1997
Schistura longa (Zhu, 1982)
Schistura machensis (Mirza & Nalbant, 1970)
Schistura macrocephalus Kottelat, 2000
Schistura macrolepis Mirza & Bănărescu, 1981
Schistura macrotaenia (Yang, 1990)
Schistura maculiceps (Roberts, 1989)
Schistura maculosa Lalronunga, Lalnuntluanga & Lalramliana, 2013
Schistura maejotigrina Suvarnaraksha, 2012
Schistura maepaiensis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura magnifluvis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura mahnerti Kottelat, 1990
Schistura malaisei Kottelat, 1990
Schistura manipurensis (Chaudhuri, 1912)
Schistura melarancia Kottelat, 2000
Schistura menanensis (Smith, 1945)
Schistura minuta Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar, 2006
Schistura mobbsi Kottelat & Leisher, 2012
Schistura moeiensis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura multifasciata (Day, 1878)
Schistura nagaensis (Menon, 1987)
Schistura nagodiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra, 2006
Schistura nalbanti (Bănărescu & Mirza, 1972)
Schistura namboensis Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura nandingensis (Zhu & Wang, 1985)
Schistura nasifilis (Pellegrin, 1936)
Schistura nicholsi (Smith, 1933)
Schistura nielseni Nalbant & Bianco, 1998
Schistura niulanjiangensis Chen, Lu & Mao, 2006
Schistura nomi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura notostigma (Bleeker, 1863)
Schistura novemradiata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura nudidorsum Kottelat, 1998
Schistura obeini Kottelat, 1998
Schistura obliquofascia Lokeshwor, Barat, Sati, Darshan, Vishwanath & Mahanta, 2012
Schistura oedipus (Kottelat, 1988)
Schistura orthocauda (Mai, 1978)
Schistura pakistanica (Mirza & Bănărescu, 1969)
Schistura pantherina Page, Plongsesthee & Randall, 2012
Schistura papulifera Kottelat, Harries & Proudlove, 2007
Schistura paucicincta Kottelat, 1990
Schistura paucifasciata (Hora, 1929)
Schistura paucireticulata Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Kosygin, 2013
Schistura pawensis Bohlen & ?lechtová, 2013
Schistura personata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura pertica Kottelat, 2000
Schistura pervagata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura poculi (Smith, 1945)
Schistura polytaenia (Zhu, 1982)
Schistura porocephala Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2013
Schistura porthos Kottelat, 2000
Schistura prashadi (Hora, 1921)
Schistura pridii Vidthayanon, 2003
Schistura procera Kottelat, 2000
Schistura prolixifasciata Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2012
Schistura pseudofasciolata Zhou & Cui, 1993
Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura pumatensis Nguyen & Nguyen, 2007
Schistura punctatus (Nguyen, 2005)
Schistura puncticeps Bohlen & ?lechtová, 2013
Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat, 1998
Schistura punjabensis (Hora, 1923)
Schistura quaesita Kottelat, 2000
Schistura quasimodo Kottelat, 2000
Schistura rara (Zhu & Cao, 1987)
Schistura reidi (Smith, 1945)
Schistura rendahli (Bănărescu & Nalbant, 1968)
Schistura reticulata Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma, 2004
Schistura reticulofasciata (Singh & Bănărescu, 1982)
Schistura rikiki Kottelat, 2000
Schistura robertsi Kottelat, 1990
Schistura rubrimaculata Bohlen & ?lechtová, 2013
Schistura rupecula McClelland, 1838
Schistura russa Kottelat, 2000
Schistura savona (Hamilton, 1822)
Schistura scaturigina McClelland, 1839
Schistura schultzi (Smith, 1945)
Schistura sertata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura sexcauda (Fowler, 1937)
Schistura sexnubes Endruweit, 2014
Schistura shadiwalensis Mirza & Nalbant, 1981
Schistura sharavathiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra, 2006
Schistura shuensis Bohlen & ?lechtová, 2014
Schistura sigillata Kottelat, 2000
Schistura sijuensis (Menon, 1987)
Schistura sikmaiensis (Hora, 1921)
Schistura similis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura sombooni Kottelat, 1998
Schistura sonlaensis (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang, 2010)
Schistura spekuli Kottelat, 2004
Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat, 2003
Schistura spiloptera (Valenciennes, 1846)
Schistura spilota (Fowler, 1934)
Schistura suber Kottelat, 2000
Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang, Page & Beamish, 2012
Schistura tenura Kottelat, 2000
Schistura thanho Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura tigrina Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma, 2005
Schistura tirapensis Kottelat, 1990
Schistura tizardi Kottelat, 2000
Schistura trilineata (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang, 2010)
Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat, 1998
Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & ?lechtová, 2010
Schistura vinciguerrae (Hora, 1935)
Schistura waltoni (Fowler, 1937)
Schistura xhatensis Kottelat, 2000
Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov, 2001
Schistura zonata McClelland, 1839
En 2017, 4 nouvelles espèces ont été décrites (Zootaxa) :
↑ MacDonald, M. (2008) : Loaches: Natural History and Aquarium Care . T.F.H. Publishing, Inc., Neptune City, NJ. p.256 (ISBN 978-0-7938-0620-1 ) .
↑ Lalramliana (2012): Schistura aizawlensis , a new species of loach from Mizoram, northeastern India (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (2): 97-104.
↑ Chen, X.-Y. & Neely, D.A. (2012): Schistura albirostris , a new nemacheiline loach (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from the Irrawaddy River drainage of Yunnan Province, China. Zootaxa, 3586: 222–227.
↑ Solo, B., Lalramliana, Lalronunga, S. & Lalnuntluanga (2014): Schistura andrewi , a new species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Mizoram, northeastern India. Zootaxa, 3860 (3): 253–260.
↑ Plongsesthee, R., Page, L.M. & Beamish, W. (2011): Schistura aurantiaca , a new species from the Mae Khlong basin, Thailand (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22 (2): 169-178.
↑ Bohlen, J. & Šlechtová, V. (2011): A new genus and two new species of loaches (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Myanmar. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22 (1): 1-10.
↑ Plongsesthee, R., Kottelat, M. & Beamish, F.W.H. (2013): Schistura crocotula , a new loach from Peninsular Thailand (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (2): 171-178.
↑ Ou, C., Montaña, C.G., Winemiller, K.O. & Conway, K.W. (2011): Schistura diminuta , a new miniature loach from the Mekong River drainage of Cambodia (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 22 (3): 193-200.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2011): Schistura fasciata , a new nemacheiline species (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae) from Manipur, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 3 (2): 1514-1519.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2013): Schistura ferruginea , a new species of loach from Northeast India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (1): 49-56.
↑ Bohlen, J., Šlechtová, V. & Udomritthiruj, K. (2014): Schistura hypsiura , a new species of loach (Cobitoidea: Nemacheilidae) from South-West Myanmar. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 62: 21–27.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2012): Schistura koladynensis , a new species of loach from the Koladyne basin, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (2): 139-145.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2014): Schistura liyaiensis , a new loach from Barak River, Manipur, India (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Research, 62 (3): 313-319.
↑ Lalronunga, S., Lalnuntluanga & Lalramliana (2013): Schistura maculosa , a new species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Mizoram, northeastern India. Zootaxa, 3718 (6): 583–590.
↑ Suvarnaraksha, A. (2012): Schistura maejotigrina , a new stream loach (Pisces: Nemacheilidae) from northern Thailand. Zootaxa, 3586: 131–137.
↑ Endruweit, M. (2014): Schistura megalodon species nova, a new river loach from the Irra-waddy basin in Dehong, Yunnan, China (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). Zoological Research, 35 (5): 353−361.
↑ Lalramliana, Lalronunga, S., Vanramliana & Lalthanzara, H. (2014): Schistura mizoramensis , a new species of loach from Mizoram, northeastern India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 25 (3): 205-212.
↑ Kottelat, M. & Leisher, C. (2012): Fishes from Phuong Hoang cave, northern Vietnam, with description of a new species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (3): 237-244.
↑ a et b Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2013): Two new species of stone loaches of the genus Schistura from the Koladyne basin, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Cobitoidei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 3731 (4): 561–576.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y., Barat, A., Sati, J. Darshan, A., Vishwanath, W. & Mahanta, P.C. (2012): Schistura obliquofascia , a new loach from Uttarakhand, India (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 3586: 255–263.
↑ Page, L.M., Plongsesthee, R., Beamish, F.W.H., Kangrang, P., Randall, Z.S., Singer, R.S. & Martin, Z.P. (2012): Schistura (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) in the Mae Khlong basin in southwestern Thailand with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3586: 319–328.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y., Vishwanath, W. & Kosygin, L. (2013): Schistura paucireticulata , a new loach from Tuirial River, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 3683 (5): 581–588.
↑ a et b Bohlen, J. & Šlechtová, V. (2013): Two new species of Schistura from Myanmar (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (1): 21-30.
↑ Shangningham, B., Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2014): Schistura phamhringi , a new stone loach from Chindwin Basin in Manipur, India (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 3786 (2): 181–191.
↑ Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath, W. (2013): Schistura porocephala , a new nemacheilid loach from Koladyne basin, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Research, 60 (2): 159-164.
↑ Zheng, L.-P., Yang, J.-X. & Chen, X.-Y. (2012): Schistura prolixifasciata, a new species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from the Salween basin in Yunnan, China. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 63-67.
↑ Bohlen, J. & Šlechtová, V. (2013): Schistura puncticeps , a new species of loach from Myanmar (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (1): 85-92.
↑ Bohlen, J. & Šlechtová, V. (2014): Schistura shuensis , a new species of loach from Myanmar (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (3) [2013]: 217-223 .
↑ Endruweit, M. (2014): Schistura sexnubes , a new diminutive river loach from the upper Mekong basin, Yunnan Province, China (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae). Zoological Research, 35 (1): 59-66.
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↑ Kangrang, P., Page, L.M. & Beamish, W.H. (2012): Schistura tenebrosa , a new species of loach from the Kwai Noi River system, Mae Khlong basin, Thailand (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 3586: 69–77.
↑ FishBase , consulté le 22 juillet 2015.
↑ Kottelat (2017): Schistura epixenos , a new species of loach from the Nakai Plateau, Laos (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 4300 (1): 44-54.
↑ Susasinghe (2017): Schistura madhavai , a new species of hill-stream loach from Sri Lanka, with redescription of S. notostigma (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 4311 (1): 96-110.
↑ Endruweit (2017): A new Schistura from the Pearl River in Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 4277 (1): 144-150.
↑ Endruweit (2017): A new Schistura from an upper Mekong affluent in Yunnan (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae). Zootaxa, 4341 (4): 585-592.
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