Thomás Flangínis (grec moderne : Θωμάς Φλαγγίνης, italien : Tommaso Flangini ; 1578-1648) est un riche avocat et commerçant grec[1],[2],[3] à Venise, qui fonde le Collège Flanginien, un collège grec où nombre d'enseignants est formé[4]. Le « Collège Flanginien », fondé par Thomás Flangínis, reste un établissement renommé pendant plusieurs siècles[5].
Son père, Apóstolos Thomás, est originaire de l'île de Corfou[6], tandis que sa mère, María Flangíni, est originaire de l'île de Chypre[5],[7],[8].
« Tommaso Flangini, a wealthy Greek merchant and . in 1664 . a late entrant to the Venetian Republic's patriciate) were enclosed »
« Immediately adjacent again is the imposing Collegio Flangini...built from the legacy of Tommaso Flangini, a wealthy Greek merchant whose family had been enrolled in the Venetian patriciate in 1664; »
« In 1626 a rich Venetian Greek, Thomas Flanginis, presented the colony with a large sum of money to be spent on education; »
« In 1626 a Cypriot, Thomas Flanginis, took the step of establishing in Venice what remained for about two centuries the most famous higher school established by a Greek for Greeks in Western Europe. This so-called Flangeneion school ... »
« Thomas Flangini. He was born at Venice In 1579 of Apostólos Thomas of Corfu, and María daughter of Vincent Flangini, of Cyprus. His father held an eminent position in the Greek Community of Venice, but left him orphan vегу soon. »
« Greek families from Venice's overseas empire were admitted to the nobility, among them the Flangini from Cyprus. »