
檔案:Honfuk.jpg 檔案:Honfuk1.jpg


  1. Twitchett, Denis; Fairbank, John K. (2008) Cambridge History of China Volume 9 Part 1 The Ch'ing Empire to 1800, p87-88: "History The term "hanfu" means "dress of the Han people."... '(during Qing dynasty) Han resistance was so severe that the policies were modified. Men, government officials, Confucian scholars, and prostitutes wore the Manchu style; women, errand boys, children, monks, and Taoists were free to wear Han styles. '"
  2. 魏千志《明清史概論》,中國社會科學出版社,1998年,第358-360頁:
  3. 《中國新聞週刊》漢服專題報導,2005年9月5日:「而在現代漢語辭典里,並沒有漢服這個稱謂。漢服其實是網友們的民間定義,即「漢民族傳統服飾」的簡稱,主要是指服裝具備明末以前漢族人穿著特色」