Colaiste Swarthmore

Colaiste Swarthmore
Facal Suaicheantais Mind the Light[1][2]
Stèidhichte 1864
Suidheachadh Swarthmore, faisg air Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Na Stàitean Aonaichte
Oileanaich 1,581 (2015)[3]
Cànan Beurla

Is colaiste phrìobhaideach ann am Pennsylvania, stèidhichte ann an 1864, a tha ann an colaiste Swarthmore ([ˈswɑːθ.mɔr] no [ˈswɔrθ.mɔr]). Bha na stèidheadairean nan Cuaigearan, ach tha a' cholaiste neo-eaglaisich a-nis.


[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]
  1. (1911): Minutes of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Corporation of Swarthmore College, Held Twelfth Month 6th, 1910. Colaiste Swarthmore, td. 21. Air a thogail 18mh dhen Lùnasdal 2015. 
  2. Chopp, Rebecca: “Stewarding Swarthmore”. Air a thogail 18mh dhen Lùnasdal 2015.
  3. Common Data Set 2015-2016”. Colaiste Swarthmore.