Os estudos celtas son unha disciplina académica que se ocupa do estudo de calquera aspecto cultural relacionado co pobo celta. Aínda que abrangue estudos sobre literatura, arte, arqueoloxía e historia, focalízase no estudo das linguas célticas vivas e extintas.[1] As principais áreas de atención son as seis linguas celtas que aínda existen: o irlandés, o galés, o gaélico escocés, o manx, o córnico e o bretón.
Como materia universitaria, é impartida en numerosas universidades arredor do mundo, a maioría delas en Irlanda, o Reino Unido e Francia, pero tamén nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia, Alemaña, Polonia, Austria e os Países Baixos. Por outra banda, os estudos celtas son impartidos na Universidade da Coruña[2] e Galiza conta co seu propio Instituto Galego de Estudos Célticos.
- Arqueoloxía
- Lingüística
- Etnoloxía
- Historia
- Literatura
- Relixión
- Ciencia política
- Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (ZCP), est. 1896, Halle.
- Revue Celtique (RC), est. 1870, París; continued after 1934 by Études celtiques.
- Ériu est. 1904, Dublin.
- The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies (BBCS), est. 1921, Cardiff; merged with Studia Celtica in 1993.
- Etudes Celtiques (EC), est. 1936, París.
- Celtica. Journal of the School of Celtic Studies, est. 1949, Dublin.
- Studia Celtica, est. 1966, Cardiff.
- Éigse. A Journal of Irish Studies, est. 1939, Dublin.
- Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies (CMCS), est. 1993, Aberystwyth; formerly Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies.
- Peritia. Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland, Cork.
- Busse, Peter E. "Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie." In Celtic Culture. A Historical Encyclopedia, ed. J.T. Koch. 5 vols: vol. 5. Santa Barbara et al., 2006. p. 1823.
- Brown, Terence (ed.). Celticism. Studia imagologica 8. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.
- Fischer, Joachim and John Dillon (eds.). The correspondence of Myles Dillon, 1922-1925: Irish-German relations and Celtic studies. Dublin: Four Courts, 1999.
- Huther, Andreas. "'In Politik verschieden, in Freundschaft wie immer': The German Celtic scholar Kuno Meyer and the First World War." En The First World War as a clash of cultures, ed. Fred Bridgham. Columbia (SC): Camden House, 2006. pp. 231–44. ISBN 1-57113-340-2.
- Koch, John T. "Celtic Studies." In A century of British medieval studies, ed. Alan Deyermond. British Academy centenary monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. pp. 235–61. ISBN 978-0-19-726395-2. RHS record
- Mac Mathúna, Séamus. "The History of Celtic Studies in Russia and the Soviet Union." In Parallels between Celtic and Slavic. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica held at Coleraine 19–21 June 2005, ed. Séamus Mac Mathúna and Maxim Fomin. Studia Celto-Slavica 1. Coleraine, 2006.
- Meek, Donald E. "'Beachdan Ura à Inbhir Nis / New opinions from Inverness.' Alexander MacBain (1855-1907) and the foundation of Celtic studies in Scotland." Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 131 (2001). pp. 23–39. ISSN 00811564.
- Ó Lúing, Seán. Celtic studies in Europe and other essays. Dublin: Geography Publications, 2000.
- Schneiders, Marc and Kees Veelenturf. Celtic studies in the Netherlands: a bibliography. Dublin: DIAS, 1992.
- Sims-Williams, Patrick. "Celtomania and Celtoscepticism." Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 36 (1998): pp. 1–35.
- Wiley, Dan. "Celtic studies, early history of the field." In Celtic Culture. A Historical Encyclopaedia, ed. J.T. Koch. Santa Barbara et al., 2006.