
Álbum de Wilco
Gravaciónagosto de 1997 - novembro de 1998
Estudio(s)Pedernales Recording Studio, Spicewood, Texas
Xénero(s)rock alternativo, country alternativo, rock psicodélico
Selo(s)Reprise Records
Mermaid Avenue Summerteeth Mermaid Avenue Vol. II
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Summerteeth é o terceiro álbum da banda estadounidense de rock alternativo Wilco, publicado o 9 de marzo de 1999 a través do selo Reprise Records. A nive lírico o disco estivo moi influenciado pola literatura do século XX, ademais dos problemas matrimoniais do vocalista Jeff Tweedy. Tweedy e Jay Bennett crearon a meirande parte do traballo no estudio, a diferenza dos anteriores álbums da banda.

Listaxe de cancións

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  1. "Can't Stand It" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:46
  2. "She's a Jar" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 4:43
  3. "A Shot in the Arm" (Tweedy, Bennett, Stirratt) – 4:19
  4. "We're Just Friends" (Tweedy, Bennett, Stirratt) – 2:44
  5. "I'm Always in Love" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:41
  6. "Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again)" (Tweedy, Bennett, Stirratt) – 3:20
  7. "Pieholden Suite" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:26
  8. "How to Fight Loneliness" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:53
  9. "Via Chicago" (Tweedy) – 5:33
  10. "ELT" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:46
  11. "My Darling" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:38
  12. "When You Wake Up Feeling Old" (Tweedy) – 3:56
  13. "Summer Teeth" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 3:21
  14. "In a Future Age" (Tweedy, Bennett) – 2:57
Cancións ocultas
  1. Untitled (silence, hidden track) – 0:23
  2. "Candyfloss" (canción oculta) (Tweedy, Bennett) – 2:57
  3. "A Shot in the Arm" (versión alternativa, canción oculta) (Tweedy, Bennett, Stirratt) – 3:54

Disco extra ("And Sum Aren't")

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  1. "I Must Be High"
  2. "Pick Up the Change"
  3. "Passenger Side"
  4. "Monday (Versión demo)"
  5. "I Got You (At the End of the Century)"
  6. "Hotel Arizona"
  7. "Outtasite (Outta Mind) - Live"
  8. "Someone Else's Song"
  9. "Red Eyed and Blue - Live"
  10. "Box Full of Letters - Live"
  11. "Why Would You Wanna - Live"
  12. "Forget The Flowers - Live"
  13. "The Lonely 1"
  14. "Sunken Treasure - Live"
  15. "At My Window Sad and Lonely"
  16. "Blasting Fonda - non album track"