Anezi Okoro

Anezi Okoro
Sunnu kavi yọnnusunnu Jlado
Otò he mẹ e wá sọnNaijilia Jlado
Jijizan17 Nuwhàsun 1929 Jlado
Fie e yin jiji teArondizuogu Jlado
Okúzán20 Alunlunsun 2024 Jlado
Place of deathEnugu Jlado
Azọ́n etọnkinkantọ Jlado
Akọ̀Igbo people Jlado

Anezi Okoro (1929-2024) yin Wekantọ podọ Dotozọ́nwatọ Otò Naijilia tọn de po. E yin yinyọnẹn ganji na otànwe owhe 1972 tọn he hosọ etọn yin One Week One Trouble he e kan.

Bẹjẹeji gbẹzan po azọ́n etọn po

[jlado | jla asisado]

Anezi yin jiji dó Arondizuogu Ayimatẹn Imo tọn, to Otò Naijilia tọn to owhe 1929 mẹ. Anezi wazọ́n doto mezizẹ whegbe tọn tọn, to University College Hospital, Ibadan tọn sọn owhe 1959 jẹ 1957. E bẹ azọ́n etọn jẹeji to owhe 1975 tọn mẹ taidi Weyọnẹntọ Dotozọ́n tọn, to Wehọmẹ Alavọ Naijilia tọn Nsukka. Ewọ wẹ ogan na ogbẹ doto he nọ penukundo azọ̀n agbasa go tọn to Aflika sọn owhe 1986 je 1991. Anadenanutọ, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation to Awọnlin sọn owhe 1977 jẹ 1981.

E yin Weyọnẹntọ he basi dlapọn na Medical College of Georgia, Augusta to owhe 1987, po University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, to owhe 1988, po King Faisal University, Dammam Saudi Arabia tọn po taidi Weyọnẹntọ dogbọn nukunpipedo azọ̀n agbasa tọn go sọn owhe 1989 jẹ 1995.

Owe he wekantọ ehe kan lẹ

[jlado | jla asisado]
  • The Village School (1966)
  • The Village Headmaster (1967)
  • Febechi down the Niger (1971)
  • Febechi in Cave Adventure (1971)
  • One Week in Trouble (1973)
  • Dr. Amadi's Postings (1975)
  • Pictorial Handbook of Common Skin Diseases (1981)
  • Education Is Great (1986)
  • Double Trouble(1990) *Pariah Earth and Other Stories (1994)
  • The Second Great Flood (1999)

Alọdlẹndonu lẹ

[jlado | jla asisado]