Bimbo Akintola yin yọnnu aihundatọ otò Naijilia tọn de.
Akintola yin jiji to azán 5tọ Nuwhàsun 1970 tọn, otọ́ etọn wá sọn ayimatẹn Oyo tọn bọ onọ̀ etọn wá sọn ayimatẹn Edo tọn. E yì wehọmẹ to Maryland Convent Private School to ayimatẹn Awọnlin tọn mẹ. E zindonukọn bo yi Command Day Secondary School, to Awọnlin. E mọ gbedewema degree tọn yi to Theatre Arts mẹ to wehọmẹ alavọ Ibadan tọn mẹ.
Aihundida etọn tintan wẹ whenue e sọawuhia to sinima dé he nọ yin Owo Blow to owhe 1995 tọn mẹ he ewọ po Femi Adebayo po basi bosọ zindonukọn bo basi Out of Bounds to owhe 1997 tọn mẹ he ewọ po Richard Mofe Damijo po basi. E yin dide taidi aihundatọ tangan to 2013 to Nollywood Movies Awards mẹ. Gigopamẹnu devo lẹ na azọn dagbe-dagbe he e wà lẹ wẹ;
Owhe: | Hosọ: | Azọngban: | Anademẹtọ aihundatọ lẹ tọn: | Alọdlẹndonu: |
2015 | Husbands of Lagos | E ma yin dandan | E ma yin yinyọnẹn | |
2016 | Ere Egele | E ma yin dandan | Kunle Afolayan |