Esiaba Irobi (1960–2010) yin ohàn-milomilokantọ Naijilia vijiji, aihunkantọ, Aihundatọ, po weyọnẹntọ́ de po.
Irobi yin jiji to Alunlunsu owhe 1960. E mọ gbedewema (Bachelor of Arts) to glẹnsigbe po Aihundida po otanwé po to wehọmẹ alavọ Nsukka, Naijilia tọn mẹ, podọ gbedewema devo to Aihundida to wehọmẹ alavọ (University of Sheffield, Sheffield UK) podọ gbedewema daho hugan na wehihia gando Aihundida go to wehọmẹ alavọ (University of Leeds, UK) tọn. E yin mẹplọntọ to wehọmẹ alavọ Liverpool John Moores University to England, podọ wehọmẹ alavọ (Tisch School of the Arts) to New York tọn. E yin Mẹplọntọ́ daho to wehọmẹ alavọ (university of Ohio) to Athens, USA. E kú to Berlin to azan atọntọ́ Nuwhàsun owhe 2010 tọn.