Federal Polytechnic, Bida tọn yin wehọmẹ nuyọnẹn wintinwintin tọn de to Ayimatẹn Niger Tọn, to ṣẹnṣẹn agéwaji Naijilia tọn. E bẹ azọ́n jẹeji to owhe 1977 tọn mẹ.
Wehọmẹ Federal Polytechnic Bida tọn yin didoai to owhe 1977 tọn mẹ to whenue was Federal Government basi nudide lọ nado sẹtẹ̀nna wehọ lọ do Bida. Jẹnukọnna whenẹnu, Federal College of Technology, Kano wẹ e yin.
Owhe nupinplọn tọn etọn bẹjẹeji to Lidosun 1978 tọn po wehọmẹvi 211, mẹplọntọ daho 11 po mẹplọntọ pẹvi 33 po po. Federal Polytechnic, Bida yin wehọmẹ azọ́nplọnmẹ alavọ tọn Federal Government tọn de to Bida to ayimatẹn Niger tọn to Naijilia. To alọnu din, wehọ lọ má do adà nuplọnmẹ tọn ṣinawè ji.
Wehọ lọ má do adà voovo ṣinawe ji, ehelẹ wẹ:
- School of Applied and Natural Sciences (Wehọmẹ nuplọnmẹ Lẹnunnuyọnẹn onú jọwamọ tọn lẹ po yọn-na-yizan yetọn po)
- School of Business Administration and Management (Wehọmẹ nuplọnmẹ Tito Ajọwiwa tọn po nukúnpipedego po)
- School of Engineering Technology (Wehọmẹ nupinplọn Awuwiwlena Nuyizan Nuyọnẹn Wintinwintin tọn)
- School of Basic and General Studies (Wehọmẹ nupinplọn gando onú paa lẹ go tọn)
- School of Environmental Studies (Wehọmẹ nupinplọn sisosiso lẹ gando Lẹdo go tọn)
- School of Financial Studies (Wehọmẹ nupinplọn sisosiso gando Akuẹzinzán go tọn)
- School of Information and Communication Technology (Wehọmẹ Nudọnamẹ po to Hodọdopọ Nuyọnẹn Wintinwintin tọn po tọn).
- Nọtẹn lẹ to opá wehọmẹ daho nuyọnẹn wintinwintin tọn Bida tọn mẹ
MSI building
Twin lecture theatre
Department of Public Administration
Students on campus grounds
otẹ̀n he mẹ yè nọ pli do
Polytechnic Campus grounds
Họngbó daho lọ
Wesẹdotẹn Wehọ lọ tọn