Yei Evelyn Theodara Kate Ozaki (yin jiji to Awewesun 1870 bo kú to azán 28tọ Awewesun 1932) yin tovi yọnnu Japannu he nọ diọ otan pẹvipẹvi Japan tọn lẹ do gbedevo mẹ na gbẹtọ lẹ ni do mọ nukunu jẹemẹ. Mẹdelẹ mọ hodọ do azọn etọn go amọ to oku etọn godo vọkan Azọn etọn tọn susu lẹ wa yin zinzinjẹgbonu.
London wẹ ye ji Yei Theodara Ozaki te to 1871. Otọ Ozaki tọn nọ yin Baron Saburō Ozaki bọ onọ etọn nọ yin Bathia Catherine Morrison he wa sọn England ( e yin jiji to 1843 bo ku to 1936). Otọ etọn Baron Saburô Ozaki yin dopo to sunu Japan tọn he yin mẹtintan he yi hia we to Europe kavi Amerika. Onọ Ozaki tọn yin viyọnusi William Mason Morrison tọn (e yin jiji to 1819 bo ku to 1885) he ewọ po Mary Anne Morrison po ji. Onọ Ozaki tọn he yin mẹplọntọ to England mọ otọ Ozaki tọn to whenue e wa klasi etọn nado plọnnu bọ ye omẹ awe lẹ da yede to 1869. To owe de he Mary Fraser kan bọ hosọ etọn yin "A Biological Sketch; from Warrior of old Japan and others stories mẹ" e dọmọ onọ Ozaki tọn he yin Bathia nọpọ po otọ Ozaki tọn po. E sọ dọ dọ onọ Ozaki tọn ji vi yọnusi awe devo lẹ yedọ: Masako Maude Mary Harriett Ozaki (he yin jiji to alunlunsun 1872) po Kimie Bathia Alexandra Ozaki ( he yin jiji to 1873 bo ku to 1964). Otọ Ozaki tọn lẹkọ wa Japan to 1873 na e jlo na da nawe de he whẹndo yetọn diyin taun dile tito alọwle lọ tọn ko yin bibai hoho do. Oyin nawe lọ tọn wẹ Toda Yae. Ehe jọ na ye ma jlo dọ whẹdo yin lọ Toda ni bu sẹ sọn ayimẹ. To godo mẹ otọ Ozaki tọn tọn sọn Japan bo mọ azọn do St. Petersburg he to Russia na e ni do sọgan sẹpọ onọ Ozaki tọn. 1880 wẹ whẹdo Baron tọn wa yi onọ Ozaki tọn taidi visi yetọn bo yi oyin etọn do owe visi whẹdo lọ tọn lẹ mẹ podọ do whenuho whẹndo lọ tọn mẹ. so dat e go fit dey klose to e Ozaki mama.