Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo

Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo
Haihuwa Yankin Gabashin Najeriya, 1947 (77/78 shekaru)
Harshen uwa Harshen, Ibo
Makaranta Jami'ar jahar Lagos
Jami'ar Ibadan
Matakin karatu Bachelor of Arts (en) Fassara
Master of Arts (en) Fassara
Harsuna Turanci
Harshen, Ibo
Sana'a marubuci, ɗan jarida, Marubuci, professeur des universités (mul) Fassara da maiwaƙe

Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo marubuciya ce kuma malama ƴar Najeriya, wanda ayyukanta da aka buga sun haɗa da litattafai, wakoki, gajerun labarai, littattafan yara, kasidu da aikin jarida. [1] Ita ce ta lashe kyaututtuka da dama a Najeriya, ciki har da kyautar adabi ta Najeriya . [2]

Tarihin Rayuwa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo an haife ta kuma ta girma a Gabashin Najeriya, amma yanzu tana zaune a Legas . Ita ce ƴar fari ta Joshua da Christiana Adimora kuma tana da ‘yan’uwa biyar. Ta girma a wani yanki a cikin ƙauye, wani ɓangare kuma a cikin birni, ta haɗu da waɗannan abubuwa biyu, a matsayin asali da kuma saita labarun 'ya'yanta da kuma manya. Duk da cewa an haife ta a Gabashin Najeriya, ta rayu a sassa daban-daban na kasar - Gabas, Arewa da Yamma. Ta yi balaguro da yawa a Afirka, Turai da Amurka.

Ta sami digiri na farko na Arts (BA) da Masters (MA) a Turanci a Jami'ar Legas da kuma Ph.D. daga Jami'ar Ibadan, Nigeria. Sannan tana da Difloma a fannin Ilimi (PGDE) daga Jami'ar Legas.

Malama, marubuci, marubuci, mai suka, marubuci, 'yar jarida, kuma mai gudanarwa, an nada ta farfesa a Turanci a Jami'ar Legas a 1999. Ta koyar a wannan jami'a, a Sashen Turanci, tun 1981. Ta shugabanci Sashen Turanci a 1997 da 1998, daga 2002 zuwa 2005, da 2008–2009. A watan Satumbar 2015, ta koma Jami’ar Tarayya Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, Jihar Ebonyi, a Kudu-maso-Gabashin Najeriya, inda ta ci gaba da koyar da dalibai da horar da kananan malamai.

Ta auri Farfesa Chris Ezeigbo kuma suna da ‘ya’ya uku.

Kwarewar sana'a

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Ta koyar a Makarantun Sakandire da Kwalejin Malamai kafin ta zama malamar jami'a. Memba na kwamitin edita na jaridu biyu a Legas - The Independent (1992-1995) da The Post Express (1997-1999). Yayin da yake tare da jaridun guda biyu, ta rubuta editoci, abubuwan da suka shafi labarai da kuma kiyaye ginshiƙai na yau da kullun. Ta rike mukaman gudanarwa a Jami'ar Legas a matsayin Babban Shugaban tsangayar fasaha na tsawon shekaru biyu (1992-1994) kuma a matsayin shugabar Sashen Turanci a 1997/98. Har ila yau, ta kasance a cikin harkokin gudanarwa a jami'a a matsayin mataimakiyar zauren Warden a Moremi Hall da Moremi Annex daga 1981 zuwa 1984; Uwargidan Zauren Madam Tinubu daga 1994 zuwa 1996. Uwargidan Zauren Amina daga 1996 zuwa 1997.

Ma'ajin kungiyar marubuta ta Najeriya daga 1995 zuwa 1997 mataimakiyar shugabar mata marubuta ta Najeriya (WRITA) daga 1998 zuwa 2000. A halin yanzu mataimakin shugaban PEN Nigeria na farko kuma sakataren kudi na WRITA National.

Binciken Bincike</br> Matsayin Digiri: Ana kulawa da ayyukan karatun digiri sama da 160 na ƙarshe a Unilag (BA (Hons.), 1986 – 2015). Kuma, ya zuwa yanzu, ayyuka 12 a Jami'ar Tarayya Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo (2015-2022).Digiri na biyu (Masters): An kula da fiye da rubuce-rubucen MA 100 tsakanin 1986 da 2015 a Unilag.Digiri na biyu (Ph.D.): Karkashin kulawarta ’yan takara 12 sun yi nasarar kammala karatun digirin digirgir (PhD) kuma sun kammala tsakanin 2003 zuwa 2018 a Unilag. A halin yanzu yana kula da dalibin digiri na uku (PhD) a Jami'ar Tarayya ta Alex Ekwueme Ndufu-Alike, jihar Ebonyi.Diploma na gaba (PGD): Ya kula da dalibai shida a cikin shirin Difloma na gaba a Jami'ar Legas Tsakanin 2012 da 2014.

Jarabawar waje/Kimanin ƘwararruYa yi aiki a matsayin mai jarrabawa / aunawa na waje zuwa jami'o'i daban-daban (15) a cikin ƙasar:

  • Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • Jami'ar Benin
  • Jami'ar Calabar
  • Jami'ar Jos
  • Jami'ar Ilorin
  • Jami'ar Jihar Abia
  • Jami'ar Kimiyya da Fasaha ta Jihar Rivers
  • Redeemer's University (RUN), Mowe, Ogun State
  • Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State
  • Jami'ar Najeriya, Nsukka
  • Jami'ar Jihar Legas (LASU)
  • Jami'ar Alkawari, Ota, Jihar Ogun
  • Jami'ar Ibadan
  • Jami’ar Babcock, Ilisan-Remo, Jihar Ogun
  • American University of Nigeria, Yola, Jihar Adamawa
  • Jami'ar Legas (2019).

Yawon shakatawa na karatu

Ta zagaya kasashe da dama kuma a kowannensu ta karanta daga cikin ayyukanta.A watan Oktoba/Nuwamba, 1993, ta zagaya birane shida na Burtaniya – London, Bristol, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham – kuma ta ba da karatu daga tarin gajerun labarai na farko, Rhythms of Life, Stories of Modern Nigeria . Gidan Karnak (Mawallafinta na Landan) ne ya shirya wannan rangadin. A watan Mayun 1998, ta kasance bakuwar Cibiyar Nazarin Afirka ta Jami'ar Edinburgh a wani taron adabi a Burn, a Scotland. Ta kuma karanta daga ayyukanta a Evangelische Akademie, a Bad Boll, Jamus, a watan Oktoba 2000 da kuma a Jami'ar Humboldt a Berlin, a watan Mayu 2002. Ta shiga cikin "Lokacin Bikin Marubuta" a cikin Afrilu 2002, a Cibiyar Fasahar kere-kere, Jami'ar KwaZulu Natal, Durban, a Afirka ta Kudu. Ta kasance a 2002 Convention of International PEN da aka gudanar a Macedonia. ta gabatar da kasida a wurin bikin Indaba a bikin baje kolin litattafai na kasa da kasa na Zimbabwe a Harare daga ranar 25 ga Yuli zuwa 2 ga watan Agustan 2003.


Ita mamba ce a kungiyoyin ilimi da dama kamar su Literary Society of Nigeria, Association of Modern Languages Association of Nigeria. Ta kasance mamba ce mai himma a wasu kungiyoyin marubuta kuma sun hada da, International PEN, PEN Nigeria, Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) da kungiyar mata marubuta ta Najeriya (WRITA).Ita ce mataimakiyar shugabar PEN Nigeria ta farko. Ta rike mukamin Ma'ajin kungiyar ANA ta kasa daga 1995 zuwa 1997 sannan kuma ta zama mataimakiyar shugabar kungiyar mata marubuta ta Najeriya ta farko. A halin yanzu ita ce Sakatariyar Kudi ta WRITA.

Ƙarshen wallafe-wallafe

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Baya ga buga littattafan ilimi sama da 60 a cikin mujallu na cikin gida da na waje da kuma matsayin babi na littattafai da kuma samun gajerun labaranta a cikin litattafai biyar, Adimora-Ezeigbo ta wallafa littattafai arba'in da takwas (58).Ta buga litattafai 23 na yara (mafi yawansu a cikin jaridu), ta kasance malamin makarantar Lahadi na yara kuma tana ba da jawabai a kai a kai ga yara a makarantu da kungiyoyin mata kan batutuwa kamar al'adu da ci gaban matasa a Najeriya, tarbiyyar yara da ilimi. na yarinya-yar, da dai sauransu.

Littattafan yara

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

An fassara biyu daga cikin labarunta na yara zuwa harsunan Swahili da Xhosa. Littattafanta sun jera a kasa:

  • The Buried Treasure (Junior African Writers Series), Oxford: Heinemann, 1992. Swahili translation: Hazina Iliyojikwa (Junior African Writers Series), Oxford: Heinemann, 1996.
  • The Prize (Junior African Writers Series), Oxford: Heinemann, 1994.
  • Alani the Troublemaker & Other Stories, Literamed Publications, 2003.
  • Asa and the Little Stream, Literamed Publications, 2004.
  • Whisker the Brave Cat, Literamed Publication, 2005.
  • Red One and the Wizard of Mula, Literamed Publication, 2005.
  • Snake Child and Star Baby, Literamed Publication, 2006.
  • Ezezemale and the Tree Spirits, Literamed Publications, 2006.
  • Sunshine, the Miracle Child, Literamed Publications, 2006.
  • Heart Songs (Poems). Ibadan: Kraft Books Ltd., 2009.
  • Clouds and Other Poems for Children. Ibadan: University Press Ltd., 2009.
  • Ako the Storyteller. (Children's novel). Ikeja, Lagos: Lantern Books, 2009.
  • Zoba and his Gang. (Children's novel). Ikeja, Lagos: Lantern Books, 2009.
  • Things Fall Apart @ 50, Special Edition, LARES, A Journal of Language and Literary Studies, Vol. 16. No 3 (2008). Edited with Dr. Adetokunbo Pearse.
  • Waiting for Dawn (Poems) (Ibadan: Kraft Books Ltd.) 2010.
  • The Slave Girl. (Children's novel) Lagos: Eph Communications Ltd, 2010.
  • The Dwarf's Story. (Children's novel) Lagos: Eph Communications Ltd, 2010.
  • The Return of the Thief. (Children's novel) Lagos: Eph Communications Ltd, 2010.
  • The Boy and his Dog (Children's novel) Lagos: Eph Communications Ltd, 2010.
  • Hands that Crush Stone. (Play) Ibadan: University Press Plc, 2010.
  • Barmaid and the Witches of Izunga. (Play) Ibadan: University Press Plc, 2010.
  • Roses and Bullets. (Novel) Lagos: Jalaa Writers' Collective, 2011.
  • Toki Learns the Hard Way. Lagos: Melrose Books and Publishing Ltd, 2011.
  • Mina the Shy Girl. Lagos: Melrose Books and Publishing Ltd., 2011.
  • Kidnapped at Noon. Lagos: Melrose Books and Publishing Ltd., 2012.
  • Mina the Shy Girl. Lagos: Melrose Books and Publishing Ltd., 2012.
  • Seyi's Strong Voice. Lagos: Melrose Books and Publishing Ltd., 2012.
  • Dancing Mask, Ibadan: Kraft Books, 2013.
  • Singing in the Rain & Other Poems for Children. Ibadan: University Press, 2014.
  • Ona and the Dwarf (co-authored with Odinaka Azubuike). Benin: God Scholars' Publishers (GSP), 2014.
  • The Eagle and Other Poems for Secondary Schools. Benin: God Scholars' Publishers (GSP), 2014.
  • Footmarks: Poems on One Hundred Years of Nigeria's Nationhood. Co-edited with Naza Amaeze Okoli. Ikeja, Lagos: ICS Services Limited, 2014.
  • Mixed Legacies. Ibadan: University Press, 2019.
  • Ƙarshen Ƙarfafa (littattafai), Legas: Littattafan Vista, 1996.
  • House of Symbols (labari), Legas: Oracle Books Limited, 2001.
  • Yara na Mikiya (labari), Lagos: Vista Books, 2002.
  • Rhythms of Life (gajerun labarai), London: Gidan Karnak, 1992.
  • Echoes in the Mind (gajerun labarai), Mawallafin Gidauniya, 1994/Littattafan Vista, 1996.
  • Rituals & Departures (gajerun labarai), London: Gidan Karnak, 1996.
  • Fratures & Fragments (Gajerun labarai) Lagos, African Cultural Institute, 2006.
  • Kasadar Anum da Kunkuru . Legas: Littattafan Fitillu, Littattafan Littattafai, 2006.
  • Dan uwana Sammy, Ikorodu: Kamfanin Littattafai, 2007.
  • Wuta daga Dutsen Mai Tsarki, Ibadan: Jami'ar Press, 2007.
  • An yi fatauci . Ikeja: Littattafan Lantern, Buga Littattafai, 2008.
  • Wakokin Zuciya (Wakoki), Ibadan: Kraftbooks, 2009.
  • Sihiri Bags . Ibadan: Jami'ar Press PLC, 2019.
  • Rufin Azurfa. Anthology na Adabin Najeriya . An daidaita shi tare da Folu Agoi. Buga PEN Nigeria Centre. 2019.
  • Misalin Farin Ciki & Wasu Labarun . GMT Emezue, Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo et al. (eds). Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Press. 2019.
  • Hakuri & Sauran Waqoqin . GMT Emezue, Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo et al. (eds). Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Press. 2019.
  • Kwancen Haƙuri . GMT Emezue, Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo et al. (eds). Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Press. 2019.
  • Baƙi & Sauran Labarun . Ada Uzoamaka Azodo da Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo (eds). Goldline & Jacobs, Amurka, 2020.
  • Harsashi Miliyan Da Fure . London: Abibiman Publishing, UK. 2022.
  • Karyewar Jiki, Lalacewar Rayuka & Sauran Wakoki . Lagos: Purple Shelves Limited, 2022.
  • Kar Ku Kona Kashina & Wasu Labarun . Lagos: Purple Shelves Limited, 2022.
  • Gaskiya & Fiction a cikin Adabin Yakin Basasa na Najeriya, Lagos: Unity Publishing & Research Company, 1992.
  • Matsalolin Jinsi a Najeriya – Ra’ayin Mata, Legas: Littattafan Vista, 1996.
  • Abokin Littafin Novel, Lagos: Vista Books, 1998.
  • Littattafan Yaƙi (an gyara tare da Liz Gunner), SOAS, Jami'ar London.
  • Wings of Dawn: Anthology of New Rubuce ta Matan Najeriya (an gyara tare da Ronnie Uzoigwe), British Council, Lagos, 2006.
  • Adabi, Harshe da Hankalin Kasa (an gyara shi tare da K. King-Aribisala), Legas: Jami'ar Legas Press, 2006.
  • Snail-Sense Feminism: Gina Kan Tsarin 'Yan Asalin . Faculty of Arts, Jami'ar Legas, 2012.

Sauran littattafai

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  • Wings of Dawn, Anthology of New Rubuce ta Matan Najeriya, babban editan tare da Ronnie Uzoigwe, British Council/WRITA (Lagos), 2006


  • "Lokacin da marubucin marubuci ya rubuta wasan kwaikwayo" na Chika Abanobi, The Spectator, 20–26 Fabrairu 2009, p. 41.
  • "Tsere cikin wakoki, audacity of pidgin," na Akeem Lasisi. The Punch, Talata, 19 Mayu 2009, p. 46.
  • "Girbi na Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo na Bayan Kaddamarwa," na Ezechi Onyerionwu, Sunday Vanguard, 14 ga Yuni 2009. P. 47.
  • "Masu Mahimman Marubuta Na Zamani Na Najeriya 10," na Henry Akubuiro, The National Life, 22 Maris 2009, p. 21.
  • "Profile of Role Model, Prof. Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo", in Growing Up, Action Health Incorporated, Vol. 17, No 14, Disamba 2009, p. 20.

Labaran da aka buga a cikin mujallu na ilimi

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  • Ezeigbo, T. A. (1982). "The Grotesque in Armah's Fiction". The Journal of Literary Society of Nigeria (JSLN), vol. 1, pp. 36–45.
  • — (1982). "Rebels Against Igbo Traditional Values: A Study of two of Ekwensi's Igbo Heroines", in Journal of SPILC, Vol. 1, pp. 51–54.
  • — (1983–1991). "A Sign of the Times: Social Criticism in Alex La Guma's Time of the Butcherbird" in Selected Acts of the MLAN Conference in Calabar. Appeared also in Literary Half Yearly (Mysore: India, 32, 1, 1991).
  • — (1984/85). "Ola Rotimi and the Oedipus Legacy", in Lagos Review of English Studies (LARES), Vol. VI. VII, pp. 175–185.
  • — (1988). "Artistic Responsibility: Male Characterization in Buchi Emecheta's Novels", in LARES, Vol. 10, pp. 126–136.
  • — (1988). "Functionality in Literature: Art and Propaganda" in Savana, A Journal of Environmental and Social Sciences (Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 78–83.
  • — (1990). "Traditional Women's Institutions in Igbo Society: Implications for the Igbo Female Writer" in African Languages and Cultures (London: SOAS, University of London) 3, 2, pp. 149–165.
  • — (1992). "The Clash of Ideals in Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls", in LARES. Vols. XI–XII, 1989–92. pp. 240–252.
  • — (1993). "The Enemy Within: Women Against Women in Novels by Selected Nigerian Female Writers" in Ihafa – A Journal of African Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992–1993, pp. 1–13.
  • — (1997). "Technique and Language in Ba's So Long a Letter, El Saadawi's Women at Point Zero and Warner-Vieyra's Juletane, in CALEL (Currents in African Literature and the English Language), University of Calabar, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1997, pp. 113–125.
  • — (1999). "Gender in African Literature: The Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion" in Lagos Notes & Records, Vol. 8, pp. 25–45.
  • — (2000). "The Dynamics of Literary Response: Students as Readers of African Women's Writing" in Reading Africa: African Research & Documentation – A Special Issue of Journal of the Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa, No. 83. Produced jointly with the African Studies Centre, University of Cambridge, U.K., 2000, pp. 37–47.
  • — (2003). "An Acid in the Feel of Things': The Short Fiction of Ben Okri", in Lagos Review of English Studies (LARES), University of Lagos, vol. 14 Nos. 1&2, pp. 105–119.
  • — (2005). "From the Horse's Mouth: The Politics of Remembrance in Women's Writing on the Nigerian Civil War", in Body, Sexuality, and Gender: Versions & Subversions in African Literature 1, edited by F. Veit-Wild & D. Naguschewski, Special Issue of Matatu: Journal for African Culture & Society, Amsterdam – New York, NY 2005.
  • — (2008) "The Poetry of War: Chinua Achebe and Siegfried Sassoon", in Things Fall apart @ 50, edited by Akachi Ezeigbo & Adetokunbo Pearse, Special Issue of LARES: A Journal of Language and Literary Studies, Vol. 16. No 3 (2008)
  • — (2013) "The Lizard and the Iroko: Reflections on Nigerian Literature 23 and Criticism since the 1960s" in Journal of Nigerian English and Literature (JONEL), Volume 9, January 2013, pp. 42–54.
  • — (2017) "Unity in Diversity in the Household of African Feminism: A Response to Di-Feminism" in Journal of Igbo Studies Association (ISA, USA), Special Edition, 2017.
  • — (2017) "Justice Begets Peace: Literature, Insecurity and Societal Reorientation", in Journal of the Literary Society of Nigeria (JLSN), Issue 9, June 2017, pp. 19–31.
  • — (2018) "Synthesizing Difference: Transcultural Movements in Contemporary African and African Diaspora Literature" in Currents in African Literature and the English Language (CALEL), Volume VIII, May 2018, pp. 1–7.
  • — (2019) "Balancing the Gender Equation in the Criticism of African Literature", in African Literature Today (ALT), 37. 2019, pp. 88–103

Girmamawa da kyaututtuka

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  • Three-year academic scholarship awarded by the Federal Government of Nigeria Scholarship Board (at undergraduate level). 1971 – 1974
  • December 1975, Awarded 2nd Prize in the Christmas Short Story Competition organized by Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC)
  • 1989/90 Session Commonwealth Fellowship Award: Awarded a Development Fellowship by the Association of Commonwealth Universities tenable at School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London [Post-Doctoral].
  • August 1994 – won 1st Prize in the Nationwide Short Story Competition about Social Aspects of Women and Their Activities organized by Women's Research and Documentation Centre (WORDOC) Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan.
  • British Council Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 1998
  • A Special Guest of the Centre for African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, at a Literary Retreat at the Burn in Scotland in 1998.
  • Research Fellow at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa from 1 August 1999 to 31 July 2000 in the English Studies Department in the School of Language, Culture and Communication.
  • 2001 – House of Symbols (Novel) won the ANA/Spectrum Prize for fiction.
  • 2001 – House of Symbols won Zulu Sofola Prize for Women Writing.
  • 2003 – First winner of ANA/NDDC Flora Nwapa Prize for Women Writing.
  • 2004 – House of Symbols (along with two other books) received US$5,000 under the Literature Prize sponsored by Nigeria LNG Ltd. called The Nigeria Prize for Literature.
  • 2004 – House of Symbols selected as one of 25 Best Books written over the past 25 years (1978-2003) by Spectrum Books, Ibadan.
  • A Recipient of the "Women Glass Ceiling Crashers Award" (awarded by Women Writers Association of Nigeria – WRITA) – 2004.
  • Awarded a Visiting Fellowship by the Institute of African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany, as Guest Scholar, from 1 November – 31 December 2005.
  • Received 2005 Best Researcher Award in the Arts and Humanities, in the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos.
  • Honoured as 'A Model of Achievement' by The African Cultural Institute and Zenith Bank Plc, in 2005.
  • Children of the Eagle was runner-up (second position) for the Pat Utomi Literature Prize – 2005
  • Snake Child and Star Baby was runner-up for the ANA/Atiku Abubakar Prize for Children's Literature – 2005
  • Awarded a Research Fellowship (as a Visiting Research Fellow) at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, from 1 October 2006 – 30 September 2007.
  • Joint winner of 2007 NLNG (The Nigeria Prize for Literature) in the Children Category with children's novel My Cousin Sammy – 2007.
  • Honoured with Long & Distinguished Service Award of the University of Lagos on 19 April 2007.
  • Fire from the Holy Mountain (children's novel) won the ANA/Atiku Abubakar Children's Literature Prize – 2008.
  • Heart Songs (Poetry collection) won the ANA/Cadbury Poetry Prize – 2009 – Trafficked was runner-up for the ANA/NDDC Flora Nwapa Prize for Women Writing.
  • Nominated as "Most Admired Lecturer" by students of the English Department, University of Lagos – 2010
  • Received 'Outstanding Contribution Award' from His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, Executive Governor of Rivers State at the Garden City Literary Festival (GCLF), 10 December 2010, in Port Harcourt, "in recognition of the vivid colours she has added to Nigerian Literature".
  • Awarded the Fellowship of the Literary Society of Nigeria (FLSN).
  • Roses and Bullets was runner-up (Second position) for the ANA/NDDC Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for Prose Fiction -2011
  • 2012 – Award by the Faculty of Arts Students Association, University of Lagos, "For her immense contribution to the intellectual development of Nigerian students".
  • Award by the English Students' Association of Redeemer's University (ESARUN), March 2012: "In recognition of her Outstanding Contribution to the Academic Development of Students and the Society as a whole" – 2012
  • 2012 – Awarded the Fellowship of the Nigerian Academy of Letters (FNAL).
  • Roses and Bullets was runner-up (one of three books) for the Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa. 402 books were submitted for the competition, from 26 African countries – 2012
  • 2012 – Given a chieftaincy title – Ugonwanyi Edemede Ndi-Igbo – by Eze Nwabueze Ohazulike (OON) Eze Mkpume II (Omereoha) Eze Ndi-Igbo Lagos State, in recognition of her achievements in the fields of writing and research. The title means "Queen of Letters of Igboland".
  • 2012 – One of the 50 Nigerian writers profiled in Nigerian Literature, A Coat of Many Colours, edited by Koko Kalango, a publication Of Rainbow Book Club (organizers of The Garden City Literary Festival, Port Harcourt) in partnership with Rivers State Government.
  • 2012 – Award of Excellence from the Igbo Students and Alumni Congress Worldwide.
  • 2013 – Award from Greensprings School, Lekki, Lagos, in "Recognition of her Outstanding Contribution to Literacy".
  • Presented an award (along with five others) by Peter Obi, Anambra State Governor, on 13 July 2013, in Awka: "In recognition of her Literary Achievement as the first Anambra State citizen to win the NLNG's The Nigeria Prize for Literature." The Award was one million naira (N1,000,000.00).
  • 2014 – Awarded the Fellowship of the English Scholars Association of Nigeria (FESAN).
  • Recipient of Gold Award for Excellence from Uga Improvement Union (U.I.U.) on 26 December 2016, "for your contribution to the educational, economic and social development of Uga Town and for your achievements in research and writing."
  • Presented an Award of Recognition by the 2017 Creative Class of Department of Language & Literature, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, for Contribution Towards the Development of Creativity, 24 February 2017.
  • Awarded the Fellowship of the Association of Nigerian Authors (FANA) on 30 October 2017.
  • "Award of Excellence presented to Prof. Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo in recognition of her Outstanding Service to Humanity" by the Faculty of Humanities, Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo (FUNAI), 9 November 2017.
  • Special Award as the Highest Ranked Nigerian Participant at the Igbo Studies Association (USA) at Dominican University, River Forest, Chicago, IL, 11 May 2019.
  • Won the 1st Prize in the Staff Short Story category (Maiden Edition) in the Creative Writing Competition at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, 25 July 2019.
  • Won the 2nd Prize in the Staff Poetry category (Maiden Edition) in the Creative Writing Competition at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, 25 July 2019.
  • 2019 – Poetry collection Mixed Legacies is the First Runner Up of ANA Poetry Prize 2019 out of the three shortlisted.
  • Received an Award in Recognition of her contribution and as a pioneer member towards the development of Anambra AEFUNAI on 8 December 2019.
  • Won the 1st Prize in the Staff Short Story category (Second Edition) in the Creative Writing Competition 2, at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, 13 December 2019.
  • Won the 3rd Prize in the Staff Poetry category (Second Edition) in the Creative Writing Competition 2, at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, 13 December 2019.
  • Short story "The President's Change Agent" won the African Literature Association (ALA) USA Best Short Story Award in May 2020.
  • Won the First Prize in the 2021 Haiku Competition organized by the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC).
  • "Award of Excellence Presented to Prof. Akachi Ezeigbo by Excellence Club, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike (AE-FUNAI) for Being an Excellent Mother, Mentor and Role Model to Us". 10 February 2022.

Sabis na al'umma

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Ta yi hidimar al’ummarta, Uga, a gida da kuma Legas a fannoni da dama. Ta kasance memba na kwamitin ginin gidan waya na Uga a cikin 1980s, kuma memba na kungiyar Ada Uga - ƙungiyar 'ya'yan Uga. A farkon shekarun 1980, ta yi aiki a matsayin Mataimakiyar Sakatare na Kungiyar Inganta Inganta Uga (Wing Women). An zabe ta mataimakiyar shugabar kungiyar ta daya kuma ta yi aiki daga 1991 zuwa 1993.Ta kasance mataimakiyar shugabar kungiyar al'ummar Umuoru ta farko (Women's Wing) daga 1996 zuwa 1999. Ezeigbo na daya daga cikin mambobin da suka tsara kundin tsarin mulkin wadannan kungiyoyin mata guda biyu. Ita ce wakiliyar UIU (Women's Wing) a Aguata Progressive Union (APU), Legas, da kuma Shugabar Kwamitin Ilimi na Aguata Progressive Union, Legas.

  1. Geoffrey Kwadwo Gyasi, "Interview with Nigerian Writer, Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo", Munyori Literary Journal, via Geosi Reads, 22 August 2013.
  2. "Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo", African Books Collective.