
Ana amfani da Foobar don nuna TransclusionRashin jituwa

Ana amfani da kalmomin 'foo' (/ˈfuːbɑːr/), foo, bar, baz, qux, da sauransu a matsayin masu canji na metasyntactic da sunayen masu riƙewa a cikin shirye-shiryen kwamfuta ko takardun da suka shafi kwamfuta.[1] An yi amfani da su don suna sunayen ƙungiyoyi kamar masu canji, ayyuka, da umarni waɗanda ainihin ainihin su ba su da mahimmanci kuma suna aiki kawai don nuna ra'ayi. Jagoran salo na takaddun masu haɓaka Google yana ba da shawarar hana amfani da su azaman misali sunayen ayyukan saboda ba su da tabbas kuma suna iya haifar[2]

Tarihi da asalin

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Yana yiwuwa cewa foobar alama ce mai ban sha'awa ga yaren soja na lokacin yakin duniya na biyu FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition). [3]-reset: mw-Ref 4;">[4]

Lura duk da haka cewa kalmar foopaw kalma ce ta yaren Nantucket don aiki mara kyau, a bayyane yake an samo shi ne daga Faransanci faux pas, wanda aka nakalto akasamo daga William H. Macy's '"There She Blows - The Log of the Arethusa" (1877).

A cewar RFC, kalmar FOO ta samo asali ne a matsayin kalma mara ma'ana tare da amfani da farko a cikin shekarun 1930 na Smokey Stover na Bill Holman.[4] Holman ya bayyana cewa ya yi amfani da kalmar ne saboda ya gan shi a kasan wani siffar jade na kasar Sin a San Francisco Chinatown, wanda ake zaton yana nuna "sa'a mai kyau".[5] Idan gaskiya ne, wannan yana da alaƙa da kalmar Sinanci fu ("", wani lokacin ana fassara foo, kamar a foo kare), wanda zai iya nufin farin ciki ko albarka.

The first known use of the terms in print in a programming context appears in a 1965 edition of MIT's Tech Engineering News. The use of foo in a programming context is generally credited to the Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) of MIT from c. 1960. In the complex model system, there were scram switches located at numerous places around the room that could be thrown if something undesirable was about to occur, such as a train moving at full power towards an obstruction. Another feature of the system was a digital clock on the dispatch board. When someone hit a scram switch, the clock stopped and the display was replaced with the word "FOO"; at TMRC the scram switches are, therefore, called "Foo switches". Because of this, an entry in the 1959 Dictionary of the TMRC Language went something like this: "FOO: The first syllable of the misquoted sacred chant phrase 'foo mane padme hum.' Our first obligation is to keep the foo counters turning."[6] One bookSamfuri:Which describing the MIT train room describes two buttons by the door labeled "foo" and "bar". These were general-purpose buttons and were often repurposed for whatever fun idea the MIT hackers had at the time, hence the adoption of foo and bar as general-purpose variable names. An entry in the Abridged Dictionary of the TMRC Language states:[7]

Multiflush: stop-all-trains-button. Next best thing to the red door button. Also called FOO. Displays "FOO" on the clock when used.

YAn yi amfani da Foobar azaman suna mai canzawa a cikin lambar Fortran na Colossal Cave Adventure (Sigar 1977 Crowther da Woods). An yi amfani da madaidaicin FOOBAR don ƙunsar ci gaban ɗan wasan wajen faɗin kalmar sihirin "Fee Fie Foe Foo", jimla daga ƙaƙƙarfan tarihi a cikin tatsuniyar Turanci ta Jack da Beanstalk. Intel kuma sun yi amfani da kalmar foo a cikin takaddun shirye-shiryen su a cikin 197

Misalan al'adu

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  • Foo Camp taron shekara-shekara ne na ɗan fashin kwamfuta.
  • BarCamp, cibiyar sadarwa ta duniya ta tarurruka masu amfani
  • A lokacin shari'ar Amurka v. Microsoft Corp., an gabatar da shaidar cewa Microsoft ta yi ƙoƙari ta yi amfani da kungiyar Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) a matsayin hanyar da za ta hana gasa, gami da imel inda manyan masu gudanarwa ciki har da Bill Gates da Steve Ballmer suka kira WS-I ta amfani da sunan lambar "foo".[8]
  • foobar2000 mai kunna sauti ne.


  • Alice da Bob
  • Foo fighter
  • Foo ya kasance a nan
  • Fu (halli)
  • Lorem ipsum, irin wannan rubutun da aka yi amfani da shi a waje da shirye-shirye
  • xyzzy
  • Category:Variable (kimiyya ta kwamfuta)

Bayanan da aka ambata

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

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Haɗin waje

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
 RFC 1639 - Ayyukan FTP Sama da Babban Rubutun adireshi (FOOBAR
  1. Eric S. Raymond (ed.). "The on-line hacker Jargon File, version 4.4.8. metasyntactic variable". Jargon File. Retrieved 2024-05-30.
  2. "Example domains and names | Google developer documentation style guide". Google for Developers (in Turanci). 2023-06-23. Retrieved 26 June 2023. Ensure that the name is applicable to the user's environment. Don't use unclear terms like foo, bar, and baz.
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named dictionary
  4. Eastlake, D; Manros, C; Raymond, E. "Etymology of "Foo"". The Internet Engineering Task Force. Retrieved 17 April 2016.
  5. "The History of Bill Holman". Smokey Stover. 2007-06-13. Retrieved 2019-08-17.
  6. "Computer Dictionary Online".,
  7. "Abridged Dictionary of the TMRC Language". Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT. Archived from the original on 2 January 2018. Retrieved 2013-03-12.
  8. Mike Ricciuti (2002-07-04). "Microsoft ploy to block Sun exposed". CNET. Retrieved 2019-08-17.