Patricia de Lille

Patricia de Lille
Minister of Public Works (en) Fassara

30 Mayu 2019 - 6 ga Maris, 2023
member of the National Assembly of South Africa (en) Fassara

22 Mayu 2019 -
Election: 2019 South African general election (en) Fassara
mayor of Cape Town (en) Fassara

1 ga Yuni, 2011 - 31 Oktoba 2018
Dan Plato
Member of Provincial Parliament of Western Cape (en) Fassara

22 Satumba 2010 - 31 Mayu 2011
Haihuwa Beaufort West (en) Fassara, 17 ga Faburairu, 1951 (73 shekaru)
ƙasa Afirka ta kudu
Harsuna Turanci
Sana'a ɗan siyasa
Jam'iyar siyasa Democratic Alliance (en) Fassara
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (en) Fassara
Independent Democrats (en) Fassara
Patricia De Lille
Patricia De Lille
Patricia de Lille

Patricia de Lille (an haife ta a ran sha bakwai ga Fabrairu, a shekara ta 1951), ita ce shugaban birnin Cape Town (Afirka ta Kudu), daga zabensa a shekarar 2011 zuwa shekarar 2018 (daga shekarar 2018, shugaban birnin Cape Town Dan Plato ne).