URL (en) ![]() | https://wfpp.columbia.edu |
Iri |
publication by electronic means (en) ![]() |
Topic (en) ![]() |
women in film (en) ![]() ![]() |
Language (en) ![]() | Turanci |
Service entry (en) ![]() | 1993 |
Wurin hedkwatar | Tarayyar Amurka |
Shirin Mata na Fim na Mata kyauta ne, na haɗin gwiwa, [1] kawai tushen bayanai na kan layi, [2] [3] wanda aka samar tare da tallafi daga Jami'ar Columbia.
Shirin Mata na Fim ( ) an kafa shi ne a 1993, ta Jane Gaines, masanin fina-finai kuma farfesa mai ziyara a Kwalejin Vassar, lokacin da Gaines ta shiga Shirin Nazarin Fim & Media a Jami'ar Columbia, a hukumance ta ƙaddamar a watan Oktoba 2013 [4] [5] [6] a matsayin hanya ta kan layi kawai, wanda aka samar tare da haɗin gwiwa tare da Litattafan Jami'ar Colombia, tare da tallafi daga Jami'ar Columbia, Makarantar Fasaha, Shirin Fim . [5] [6] [5] [6][7][8][9][10][11]
Bayanan mutum sun dogara da takardun farko, albarkatun dijital, bugawa na fina-finai, tarin takarda, bayanan gwamnati, sauran kayan ajiya, da abubuwan tunawa da bayanan iyali. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18]
Rubutun bayyani sun fi tsayi, ana sake dubawa, rubutun da suka wuce mutum ɗaya.[17][19]
A shekara ta 2016, Kate Saccone ta zama Manajan Shirin.[20][21][22][23][24][25]
Masu ba da gudummawa, daga cikin fiye da 200, sun haɗa da:[26]
"Ba har sai da tarin ilimi ya zo a cikin shekarun da suka gabata ba - binciken da aka yi da kyau ta hanyar Mata Film Pioneers Project, a Columbia, ya kasance da mahimmanci - cewa rawar da mata ke takawa a asalin fim din ya sake mayar da hankali. " - Margaret Talbot
"The Women Film Pioneers Project a Jami'ar Columbia dole ne a yaba da shi tare da gudanarwa da tattara yawancin bincike har zuwa yau. " - Melody Bridges da Cheryl Robson [37][38][39]
"Akwai ƙananan bincike da rubuce-rubuce game da ayyukan da suka fi ban mamaki na masu gyara mata. Ana iya faɗi haka game da yawancin takwarorinsu na maza, tunda yawancin masu gyara suna da alaƙa da masu zane-zane da ba a gani ba. Duk da haka maza sun mamaye filin a ƙarshen shekarun 1920 kuma suna ci gaba da wannan rinjaye a yau. Ƙoƙarin masana'antun masana'antu na baya-bayan nan sun dawo da hankali ga masu yin fim da yawa, musamman a yankin karatun fim ɗin mata masu shiru.[40]
In this article, it is made the case that due to their openness and variable use, digital databases, such as the Women Film Pioneers Project, seem to be perfectly suited to respond to this challenge. (Institute of Media Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg)
The Women Film Pioneers Project (WFPP) is a freely accessible, collaborative online database that showcases the hundreds of women who worked behind-the-scenes in the silent film industry as directors, producers, editors, and more. Women Film Pioneers is published by Columbia University Libraries’ Center for Digital Research and Scholarship.
© Copyright 2022 USC School of Cinematic Arts (This is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government, administered by USC).
It has been over twenty-five years since the Women Film Pioneers Project was founded by Jane M. Gaines, whose latest book, Pink-Slipped: What Happened to Women in the Silent Film Industries?, sets out to push the ‘reset’ button on feminist film historiography.
See the list of women pioneers that need a researcher. WFTHN focuses on British and Irish women working in the UK/Ireland or abroad and on overseas women working here. It is affiliated to Women & Film History International and encourages British and Irish contributions to international initiatives such as the Women Film Pioneers Database, the biennial international Women and Silent Screen conferences and the women’s television conference, Consoling Passions. WFTHN is not based in a single institution but collaborates with a range of professional and academic organizations, archival collections and websites relevant to women’s filmmaking and television production such as the Women and Silent British Cinema (WSBC) website, Screenonline, the British Film Institute, The Women’s Library, WiFT (UK) and so on.
A six-disc Blu-ray/DVD dual format edition. Total running time of 652 min. A Flicker Alley release.
Kate Saccone is a freelance writer based in NYC. For her day job, she's the Project Manager of the Women Film Pioneers Project at Columbia University.
Kate Saccone is the Project Manager of the Women Film Pioneers Project (WFPP), edited by Jane Gaines (Columbia University). She holds a Master of Arts in Film Studies from Columbia University (2013) and a Bachelor of Arts in Screen Studies from Clark University (2011). In New York City, she has helped organize screenings devoted to the work of early female filmmakers at places like the Museum of Modern Art, Anthology Film Archives, and Columbia University.
Book excerpt from the introduction of “Silent Women: Pioneers of Cinema”
Collection of chapters focusing on female writers, directors, producers, stars, editors and cinematographers from the silent era of film, edited by Melody Bridges and Cheryl Robson. Contents: Introduction / Melody Bridges and Cheryl Robson; 1. Girl from God's country: the history of women in film and other war stories / Karen Day; 2. Early African-American female filmmakers / Aimee Dixon Anthony; 3. The silent producer: women filmmakers who creatively controlled the silent era of cinema / Pieter Aquilia; 4. Women were writing: beyond melodrama and hot house romances / Patricia Di Risio; 5. Doing it all: women's on- and off-screen contributions to European silent film / Julie K. Allen; 6. Female legends of the silver screen / Melody Bridges; 7. Directors from the dawn of Hollywood / Francesca Stephens. Images 8. Interview with director Dorothy Arzner / Kevin Brownlow; 9. Women film editors from silent to sound / Tania Field; 10. Who was the first female cinematographer in the world? / Ellen Cheshire; 11. When the woman shoots: ladies behind the silent horror film camera / K. Charlie Oughton; 12. Critics, reformers and educators: film culture as a feminine sphere / Shelley Stamp; 13. U.S. women directors: the road ahead / Maria Giese.