פול דייווידסון (באנגלית: Paul Davidson; 23 באוקטובר1930 - 20 ביוני2024) היה מאקרו-כלכלןאמריקאי, ואחד הדוברים המובילים שהשתייכו לזרם האמריקאי של האסכולה הפוסט-קיינסיאנית בכלכלה. הוא היה סופר ופעיל בדיונים חשובים על מדיניות כלכלית (בנושאים כגון: משאבים טבעיים, המערכת המוניטרית הבינלאומית, החוב של מדינות מתפתחות), ובעל עמדה ביקורתית מאוד כלפי הזרם המרכזי בכלכלה.
דייווידסון לא התחיל את דרכו המקצועית ככלכלן. הוא השלים תואר ראשון בכימיה וביולוגיה, בברוקלין קולג' (Brooklyn College) בשנת 1950.[1] דייווידסון התחיל תואר שני בביוכימיה באוניברסיטת פנסילבניה, אך זנח את הלימודים ועבר לכלכלה, כאשר הוענק לו תואר שני במינהל עסקים מאוניברסיטת העיר ניו יורק בשנת 1955. ב-1959 סיים תואר שלישי באוניברסיטת פנסילבניה.
דייווידסון היה פרופסור באוניברסיטת טנסי בנוקסוויל, ארצות הברית. הוא שימש כמרצה אורח במרכז שוורץ לניתוח המדיניות הכלכלית בבית הספר החדש (The New School). מלבד אוניברסיטת פנסילבניה, אוניברסיטת טנסי ובית הספר החדש, דייווידסון לימד כלכלה באוניברסיטת ראטגרס (Rutgers University), אוניברסיטת בריסטול ואוניברסיטת קיימברידג'. בתחילת שנות ה-60 הוא עבד בחברת קונטיננטל אויל קומפני (Continental Oil Company).
דייווידסון וסידני וינטראוב (Sidney Weintraub) ייסדו את כתב העת Journal of Post Keynesian Economics בשנת 1978. דייווידסון שימש כעורך של כתב העת עד למותו. הוא גם תרם למרכז לתעסוקה מלאה ויציבות.
Davidson, P. (1959). "A Clarification of the Ricardian Rent Share". The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science. 25 (2): 190–195. doi:10.2307/139062. JSTOR139062.
Davidson, P. (1960). "Increasing Employment, Diminishing Returns, Relative Shares, and Ricardo". The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science. 26 (1): 147–149. doi:10.2307/138826. JSTOR138826.
Theories of Aggregate Income Distribution, 1960
Davidson, P. (1962). "More on the Aggregate Supply Function". The Economic Journal. 72 (286): 452–457. doi:10.2307/2228715. JSTOR2228715.
Davidson, P. (1962). "Income and Employment Multipliers, and the Price Level". The American Economic Review. 52 (4): 738–752. JSTOR1808986.
Davidson, P. (1963). "Public Policy Problems of the Domestic Crude Oil Industry". The American Economic Review. 53 (1): 85–108. JSTOR1817130.
Davidson, P.; Smolensky, E. (1964). "Modigliani on the Interaction of Monetary and Real Phenomena". The Review of Economics and Statistics. 46 (4): 429–431. doi:10.2307/1924053. JSTOR1924053.
Aggregate Supply and Demand Analysis, with E. Smolensky, 1964
Davidson, P. (1967). "The Importance of the Demand for Finance". Oxford Economic Papers. 19 (2): 245–253. JSTOR2662215.
Davidson, P. (1967). "A Keynesian View of Patinkin's Theory of Employment". The Economic Journal. 77 (307): 559–578. doi:10.2307/2228991. JSTOR2228991.
"The Valuation of Public Goods," 1968, in Garnsey and Hibbs (eds.), Social Sciences and the Environment
Davidson, P. (1968). "Money, Portfolio Balance, Capital Accumulation, and Economic Growth". Econometrica. 36 (2): 291–321. doi:10.2307/1907491. JSTOR1907491.
Davidson, P. (1968). "The Demand and Supply of Securities and Economic Growth and Its Implications for the Kaldor-Pasinetti Versus Samuelson-Modigliani Controversy". The American Economic Review. 58 (2): 252–269. JSTOR1831814.
Davidson, P. (1969). "A Keynesian View of the Relationship Between Accumulation, Money and the Money Wage-Rate". The Economic Journal. 79 (314): 300–323. doi:10.2307/2230170. JSTOR2230170.
Davidson, P. (1972). "Money and the Real World". The Economic Journal. 82 (325): 101–115. doi:10.2307/2230209. JSTOR2230209.
Davidson, P. (1972). "A Keynesian View of Friedman's Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis". The Journal of Political Economy. 80 (5): 864–882. doi:10.1086/259942.
Money and the Real World, 1972
Davidson, P.; Weintraub, S. (1973). "Money as Cause and Effect". The Economic Journal. 83 (332): 1117–1132. doi:10.2307/2230844. JSTOR2230844.
Davidson, P.; Falk, L. H.; Lee, H. (1974). "Oil: Its Time Allocation and Project Independence". Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1974 (2): 411–448. doi:10.2307/2534193. JSTOR2534193.
"Post-Keynesian Monetary Theory and Inflation", 1977, in S. Weintraub (ed.), Modern Economic Thought
"A Discussion of Leijonhufvud's Social Consequences of Inflation", 1977, in Harcourt (ed.), Microfoundations of Macroeconomics
"The Carter Energy Proposal", 1977, Challenge
"Money and General Equilibrium," 1977, Economie Appliquee
Davidson, P. (1978). "Why Money Matters: Lessons from a Half-Century of Monetary Theory". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 1 (1): 46–70. JSTOR4537459.
Davidson, P. (1978). "The United States Internal Revenue Service: Fourteenth Member of OPEC?". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 1 (2): 47–58. JSTOR4537469.
"Post Keynesian Approach to the Theory of Natural Resources", 1979, Challenge
"Monetary Policy, Regulation and International Adjustments," with M.A. Miles, 1979, Economies et Societies
Davidson, P. (1979). "Oil Conservation: Theory vs. Policy". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 2 (1): 145–149. JSTOR4537519.
"What Is the Energy Crisis?", 1979, Challenge
"Keynes's Paradigm: A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis", with J.A. Kregel, 1980, in Nell (ed.), Growth, Property and Profits
Davidson, P. (1980). "The Dual-Faceted Nature of the Keynesian Revolution: Money and Money Wages in Unemployment and Production Flow Prices". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 2 (3): 291–307. JSTOR4537535.
"Keynes's Theory of Employment, Expectations and Indexing", 1980, Revista de Economia Latinoamericana
"Post Keynesian Economics: Solving the Crisis in Economic Theory", 1981, in Bell and Kristol (eds.), The Crisis in Economic Theory
Davidson, P.; Lindholm, R. W. (1981). "Can VAT Resolve the Shortage of Savings (SOS) Distress? [with Rejoinder]". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 4 (1): 51–62. JSTOR4537635.
"Alfred Marshall is Alive and Well in Post Keynesian Economics", 1981, IHS Journal
"A Critical Analysis of the Monetarist-Rational Expectations Supply Side (Incentive) Economics Approach to Accumulation During a Period of Inflationary Expectations," 1981, Kredit und Kapital
International Money and the Real World, 1982
Davidson, P. (1982). "Rational Expectations: A Fallacious Foundation for Studying Crucial Decision-Making Processes". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 5 (2): 182–198. JSTOR4537730.
"Monetarism and Reagonomics", 1983, in S. Weintraub and Goodstein (eds.), Reagonomics in the Stagflation Economy
Davidson, P. (1983). "Keynes's General Theory: A Different Perspective". Journal of Economic Literature. 21 (1): 52–56. JSTOR2724747.
Davidson, P. (1983). "The Marginal Product Curve is Not the Demand Curve for Labor and Lucas's Labor Supply Function is Not the Supply Curve for Labor in the Real World". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 6 (1): 105–117. JSTOR4537796.
Davidson, P. (1983). "An Appraisal of Weintraub's Work". Eastern Economic Journal. 9 (4): 291–294. JSTOR40325122.
Davidson, P. (1984). "Reviving Keynes's Revolution". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 6 (4): 561–575. JSTOR4537848.
"The Conventional Wisdom on Deficits Is Wrong", 1984, Challenge
"Incomes Policy as a Social Institution", 1985, in Maital and Lipnowski (eds.), Macroeconomic Conflict and Social Institutions
"Policies For Prices And Incomes", 1985, in Barrere (ed.), Keynes Today
"Financial Markets and Williamson's Theory of Governance: Efficiency vs. Concentration vs. Power", with G.S. Davidson, 1984, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business
Davidson, P. (1985). "Liquidity and Not Increasing Returns is the Ultimate Source of Unemployment Equilibrium". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 7 (3): 373–384. JSTOR4537895.
Davidson, P. (1985). "Can Effective Demand and the Movement toward Further Income Equality Be Maintained in the Face of Robotics? An Introduction". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 7 (3): 422–425. JSTOR4537900.
Davidson, P. (1985). "Sidney Weintraub: An Economist of the Real World". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 7 (4): 533–539. JSTOR4537915.
"A Post Keynesian View of Theories and Causes of High Real Interest Rates", 1986, Thames Papers in Political Economy
Davidson, P. (1986). "Finance, Funding, Saving, and Investment". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 9 (1): 101–110. JSTOR4537993.
Davidson, P. (1986). "The Simple Macroeconomics of a Nonergodic Monetary Economy versus a Share Economy: Is Weitzman's Macroeconomics too Simple?". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 9 (2): 212–225. JSTOR4538004.
"Financial Markets, Investment, and Employment", 1988, in Matzner et al. (eds.), Barriers to Full Employment
Davidson, P. (1987). "Sensible Expectations and the Long-Run Non-Neutrality of Money". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 10 (1): 146–153. JSTOR4538058.
Davidson, P. (1987). "A Modest Set of Proposals for Resolving the International Debt Problem". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 10 (2): 323–338. JSTOR4538074.
"Weitzman's Share Economy And The Aggregate Supply Function", 1988, in Hamouda and Smithin (eds.), Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years
"Endogenous Money, The Production Process, And Inflation Analysis", 1988, Economie Appliquee
"A Technical Definition of Uncertainty and the Long Run Non- Neutrality of Money", 1988, Cambridge JE
Economics for a Civilized Society, with G. Davidson, 1988
"Keynes and Money" 1989, in Hill (ed.), Keynes, Money, and Monetarism
"Prices and Income Policy: An Essay in Honor of Sidney Weintraub", 1989, in Barrere (ed.), Money, Credit, and Prices in Keynesian Perspective
"Patinkin's Interpretation of Keynes and the Keynesian Cross", 1989, HOPE
Davidson, P. (1989). "Only in America: Neither the Homeless nor the Yachtless Are Economic Problems". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 12 (1): 164–166. JSTOR4538179.
"The Economics of Ignorance Or Ignorance of Economics?", 1989, Critical Review
"Shackle and Keynes vs. Rational Expectations Theory on the Role of Time, Liquidity, and Financial Markets" 1990, in S. Frowen (ed.), Unknowledge and Choice in Economics
"Liquidity Proposals for a New Bretton Woods Plan", 1990, in Barrere, Keynesian Economic Policies
"On Thirlwall's Law", 1990, Revista de Economia Politica
Collected Writings of Paul Davidson (2 vols.), 1990–1.
Controversies in Post Keynesian Economics, 1991
Davidson, P. (1990). "A Post Keynesian Positive Contribution to "Theory"". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 13 (2): 298–303. JSTOR4538242.
"Is Probability Theory Relevant For Choice Under Uncertainty?: A Post Keynesian Perspective", 1991, JEP
"What Kind of International Payments System Would Keynes Have Recommended for the Twenty-First Century?" 1991, in Davidson and Kregel (eds.), Economic Problems of the 1990s
"Money: Cause or Effect? Exogenous or Endogenous?", 1992, in Nell and Semmler (eds.), Nicholas Kaldor and Mainstream Economics
"Eichner's Approach to Money and Macroeconomics", 1992, in Milberg (ed.), The Megacorp and Macrodynamics
Davidson, P. (1992). "Reforming the World's Money". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 15 (2): 153–179. JSTOR4538333.
Davidson, P. (1993). "The Elephant and the Butterfly: Or Hysteresis and Post Keynesian Economics". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 15 (3): 309–322. JSTOR4538348.
Davidson, P. (1992). "Would Keynes Be a new Keynesian?". Eastern Economic Journal. 18 (4): 449–463. JSTOR40325476.
"Asset Deflation and Financial Fragility" 1993, in Arestis (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Money and Banking
Can the Free Market Pick Winners? (editor), 1993
Growth, Employment and Finance: Economic Reality and Economic Theory, (co-edited with J.A. Kregel), 1994
"The Asimakopulos View of Keynes's General Theory", 1994, in Harcourt and Roncaglia (eds.), Investment and Employment in Theory and Practice
"Monetary Theory and Policy In A Global Context With A Large International Debt" 1994, in Frowen (ed.), Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy
Post Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory: a foundation for successful economic policies for the Twenty-first Century, 1994
Economics For A Civilized Society, with Greg Davidson, 1996.
"What Are The Essential Characteristics of Post Keynesian Monetary Theory?", 1996, in G. Deleplace and E. J. Nell (eds.), Money in Motion
"The General Theory in An Open Economy," 1996, in Harcourt and Riach (eds.), A Second Edition of the General Theory
Davidson, P. (1996). "Reality and Economic Theory". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 18 (4): 479–508. JSTOR4538504.
Davidson, P. (1997). "Are Grains of Sand in the Wheels of International Finance Sufficient to do the Job when Boulders are Often Required?". The Economic Journal. 107 (442): 671–686. doi:10.1111/1468-0297.00183.
Davidson, P. (1998). "Post Keynesian Employment Analysis and the Macroeconomics of OECD Unemployment". The Economic Journal. 108 (448): 817–831. doi:10.1111/1468-0297.00317.
"Is a Plumber Or A Financial Architect Needed to End Global International Liquidity Problems?", 2000, World Development
Financial Markets, Money and the Real World, 2002
Davidson, P. (2003). "Are Fixed Exchange Rates the Problem and Flexible Exchange Rates the Cure?". Eastern Economic Journal. 29 (2): 259–268. JSTOR40325413.
Davidson, P. (2003). "Is "Mathematical Science" an Oxymoron when Used to Describe Economics?". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 25 (4): 527–545. JSTOR4538847.
Davidson, P. (2003). "Setting the Record Straight on "A History of Post Keynesian Economics"". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 26 (2): 245–272. JSTOR4538872.
"The Post Keynesian School", Snowden and Vane (eds.) Modern Macroeconomics, 2005
Davidson, P. (2005). "Responses to Lavoie, King, and Dow on what Post Keynesianism is and who is a Post Keynesian". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 27 (3): 393–408. JSTOR4538934.
Davidson, P. (2005). "Galbraith and the Post Keynesians". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 28: 103–113. JSTOR4538962.
"Can, Or Should, A Central Bank Inflation Target?" 2006, JPKE
"Keynes and Money" in Arestis and Sawyer (eds.) Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics, 2006
"Keynes, Post Keynesian Analysis, and the Open Economies of the Twenty-first Century" Arestis, McCombie and Vickerman (eds.) Growth and Economic Development, 2006
"Are We Making Progress Towards A Civilized Society?", 2007, JPKE
John Maynard Keynes, 2007
"How To Solve The U.S. Housing Problem and Avoid A Recession: A Revived HOLC and FTC", Schwartz Center For Economic Policy Analysis: Policy Note, 2008.
"Securitization, Liquidity, and Market Failure", 2008, Challenge
"Is The Current Financial Distress Caused By The Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis A Minsky moment? Or Is It The Result of Attempting To Securitize Illiquid Non Commercial Mortgage Loans?", 2008, JPKE
The Keynes Solution: The Path to Global Economic Prosperity, 2009