अरपा पैरी के धार, महानदी हे अपार
इंद्रावती हा पखारय तौर पईयां
महूं विनती करव तौर भुँइया
जय हो जय हो छत्तीसगढ़ मईया
सोहय बिंदिया सहीं, घाट डोंगरी पहार
चंदा सुरूज बनय तौर नैना
महूं विनती करव तौर भुँइया
जय हो जय हो छत्तीसगढ़ मईया
सोनहा धाने के अंग, लुगरा हरियर हे रंग
तौर बोली हवे जइसे मैना
अंचरा तौर डोलावय पुरवईया
महूं विनती करव तौर भुँइया
जय हो जय हो छत्तीसगढ़ मईया
रायगढ़ हावय सुग्घर, तोरे मउरे मुकुट
सरगुजा अउ बिलासपुर हे बइहां
रायपुर कनिहा सही घाते सुग्घर फबय
दुर्ग बस्तर सोहय पैजनियाँ
नंदगाँव नवा करधनिया
महूं विनती करव तौर भुँइया
जय हो जय हो छत्तीसगढ़ मईया
Arpa pairi ke dhar, Mahanadi he apar
Indravati ha pakharay tor paiyaan
Mahoon vinati karva tor bhuniya
Jay ho jay ho Chattisgarh maiya
Sohay bindiya sahin, ghat dongari pahar
Chanda suraj banay tor naina
Mahoon vinati karva tor bhuniya
Jay ho jay ho Chattisgarh maiya
Sonaha dhaane ke ang, lugra hariyar he rang
Tor bolee have jaise mayna
Anchara tor dolavay purvaiya
Mahoon vinati karva tor bhuniya
Jay ho jay ho Chattisgarh maiya
Raigarh havay sugghar, tore maure mukut
Sarguja au Bilaspur he baihaan
Raipur kaniha sahi ghate sugghar phabay
Durg Bastar sohay paijaniyaan
Nandgaon nava karadhaniya
Mahooon vinati karva tor bhuniya
Jay ho jay ho Chattisgarh maiya
The steams of Arpa and Pairi, immense is Mahanadi,
Indravati also visited your feet.
I pray for your land,
Victory, Victory to you, Mother Chhattisgarh.
Like a small dot, the ghats of Dongri Mountain,
The moon and sun also became your eyes.
I pray for your land,
Victory, Victory to you, Mother Chhattisgarh.
Paddy like a gold limb, the colour of the cloth is green,
Your dialect is the same as the beautiful Mayna.
Your lap swings to the east.
I pray for your land,
Victory, Victory to you, Mother Chhattisgarh.
Raigarh is as beautiful as a crown,
Sarguja and Bilaspur is your arm.
Raipur is like a waist, liberating beauty,
Durg and Bastar are anklets,
Nandgaon is a new waistband.
I pray for your land,
Victory, Victory to you, Mother Chhattisgarh.