इस भाषा का सबसे ख्यात प्रयोग गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब (सिख धार्मिक ग्रंथ) में किया गया है।[3][4][5][6] इसे संतों के द्वारा पंजाबी के साथ फ़ारसी, संस्कृत और उत्तर भारत की उन अनेक बोलियों के मिश्रण के रूप में लिखा गया है, जो उनकी मातृभाषाएँ रही थीं। [7][8][9]
↑Singh, Khushwant. A history of the Sikhs. 1: 1469-1839. Oxford University Press. पृ॰ 298.
↑Gurmukhi script. Nanak Naam Jahaj Gurudwara Magazine. 2015.
↑Deol, Harnik (2012). Religion and Nationalism in India:The Case of Punjab, 1960 -1990(PDF). ProQuest. पृ॰ 48. मूल(PDF) से 21 जुलाई 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 5 नवंबर 2019. Remarkably, neither is the Qur'an written in Urdu language, nor are the Hindu scriptures written in Hindi, whereas the compositions in the Sikh holy scripture, Adi Granth, are a melange of various dialects, often coalesced under the generic title of Sant Bhasha.
↑The making of Sikh scripture by Gurinder Singh Mann. Published by Oxford University Press US, 2001. ISBN0-19-513024-3, ISBN978-0-19-513024-9 Page 5. "The language of the hymns recorded in the Adi Granth has been called "Sant Bhasha," a kind of lingua franca used by the medieval saint-poets of northern India. But the broad range of contributors to the text produced a complex mix of regional dialects."
↑History of Punjabi Literature by Surindar Singh Kohli. Page 48. Published by National Book, 1993. ISBN81-7116-141-3, ISBN978-81-7116-141-6. "When we go through the hymns and compositions of the Guru written in Sant Bhasha (saint- language), it appears that some Indian saint of 16th century".
↑Introduction: Guru Granth SahibArchived 2018-07-30 at the वेबैक मशीन. "The Guru Granth Sahib is written in Gurmukhi script. The language, which is most often Sant Bhasha, is very close to Punjabi. It is well understood all over northern andnorthwest India and was popular among the wandering holy men. Persian and some local dialects have also been used. Many hymns contain words of different languages and dialects,depending upon the mother tongue of the writer or the language of the region where they were composed."
↑"Sikhs in Nederland"(PDF) (inglês में). मूल से 30 जुलाई 2018 को पुरालेखित(PDF). अभिगमन तिथि 5 नवंबर 2019.सीएस1 रखरखाव: नामालूम भाषा (link)
↑Songs of the Saints from the Adi Granth By Nirmal Dass. Published by SUNY Press, 2000. ISBN0-7914-4683-2, ISBN978-0-7914-4683-6. Page 13. "Any attempt at translating songs from the Adi Granth certainly involves working not with one language, but several, along with dialectical differences. The languages used by the saints range from Sanskrit; regional Prakrits; western, eastern and southern Apabhramsa; and Sahaskrit. More particularly, we find sant bhasha, Marathi, Old Hindi, central and Lehndi Panjabi, Sindhi and Persian. There are also many dialects deployed, such as Purbi Marwari, Bangru, Dakhni, Malwai, and Awadhi."