Seconds Out

Seconds Out
Genesis (live album)
Žanrprogresivni rock
Objavljen21. listopada 1977.
IzdavačCharisma Records, Atlantic Records
Producent(i)Genesis i David Hentschel
Kronologija albuma – Genesis
Wind & Wuthering
Seconds Out
...And Then There Were Three...

Seconds Out je dvostruki album uživo britanskog sastava Genesis. Sniman je na nastupima u Parizu 1976. i 1977., prigodom promotivnih turneja albuma A Trick of the Tail and Wind & Wuthering.

Popis pjesama

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Strana A

  1. "Squonk" – 6:39
  2. "The Carpet Crawlers" – 5:27
  3. "Robbery, Assault and Battery" – 6:02
  4. "Afterglow" – 4:29

Strana B

  1. "Firth of Fifth" – 8:56
  2. "I Know What I Like " – 8:45
  3. "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" – 4:59
  4. "The Musical Box" – 3:18

Strana C

  1. "Supper's Ready" – 24:33

Strana D

  1. "The Cinema Show" – 10:58
  2. "Dance On A Volcano" – 5:09
  3. "Los Endos" – 6:20


[uredi | uredi kôd]
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